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RELEASE: SAFE Applauds Introduction of Permitting Reform Package

Provisions on Interregional Planning and Accelerated Judicial Review are Key to Energy Leadership and National Security Washington, D.C.—The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has unveiled a bipartisan permitting reform proposal led by Chairman Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) and Ranking Member John Barrasso (R-Wyo.). In response, SAFE experts issued the following statements: Robbie Diamond, Founder and […]

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RELEASE: SAFE Applauds Introduction of “Global Strategy for Securing Critical Minerals Act of 2024”

SAFE Urges Continued Integration of Domestic and International Mineral Priorities and Codified Support of Mineral Security Partnership Washington, D.C.—In response to the introduction of the Global Strategy for Securing Critical Minerals Act of 2024, Abigail Hunter, Executive Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Mineral Strategy, released the following statement: “Mineral security is national security. We applaud […]

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WEBINAR China / Competition / Power Episode Two: China’s Industrial Policy and Impact on Key Industries

REGISTER NOW Join us on Thursday July 18 from 1 p.m.-2 p.m. for: Episode Two: China’s Industrial Policy and Impact on Key Industries Featuring: Rick Switzer, Principal at ProjX and Former State Department Official Jonathan Ward, Author of The Decisive Decade & China’s Vision of Victory Chris Cloutier, Partner at Schagrin Associates, International Trade Lawyer Robert Atkinson, President of […]

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SAFE’s Mineral Center Joins House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party Working Group on Critical Minerals and Rare Earth Supply Chains

In June, Abigail Hunter, Executive Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy, testified as part of the inaugural closed-door meeting of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party’s Critical Minerals Policy Working Group, led by Representatives Rob Wittman (R-VA) and Kathy Castor (D-FL), both of whom spoke at SAFE Summit 2024. Hunter’s […]

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WATCH China / Competition / Power Episode One: China’s Hybrid Economic System

In case you missed it, you can now watch the first in a series of webinars exploring how Beijing’s policies threaten markets, innovation, and a rules-based world order. In Episode One, our panelists discussed the history and consequences of Beijing’s “brute force economics,” a paradigm that puts geopolitical power ahead of profits, as well as what […]

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SAFE Responds to House Committee Findings of Labor Abuses in Chinese Battery Supply Chains

Washington, DC—Responding to recent findings by House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party about potential slave labor practices in China’s battery supply chain, SAFE Founder, President, and CEO Robbie Diamond issued the following statement: “The recent findings from the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party expose broadly suspected abuses in an opaque and impenetrable mineral and […]

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Opinion: A Need for A Clear-Eyed China Policy

This op-ed originally appeared in Handelsblatt on June 3, 2024. Read the original in German. By Amb. Joachim Bitterlich (ret.) and Peter C.W. Flory The partnership between Putin and Xi and China’s quest for technology dominance threaten the European Union and with it, German prosperity. But there are ways to defend our interests and values. China’s […]

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WEBINAR CCP: China / Competition / Power

Join us for this webinar featuring insights from leading China watchers to serve as an informational primer for policymakers and other stakeholders. Episode One: China’s Hybrid Economic Mode Hosted by: Rick Switzer, Principal at ProjX and Former State Department Official Featuring: Adam Frost, Former EXIM Bank Senior Vice President of the China and Transformational Exports Program Liza Tobin, Senior […]

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Opinion: New energy sources for AI, data centers are vital to U.S. national security

This article originally appeared in MarketWatch. Government must revamp energy policies to keep the nation’s power grid running By: General Duncan McNabb (Ret.) Seemingly overnight, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformational technology that will reshape our society and economy for the foreseeable future. We are only beginning to understand its implications, and the […]

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SAFE Experts Comment on Section 301 Tariff Review

Responding to the Biden administration’s trade policy decisions impacting $18 billion worth of goods, conducted as part of the statutorily required 4-year review of Section 301 Tariffs, SAFE’s experts provided the following comments: Avery Ash, Executive Director of SAFE’s Coalition for Reimagined Mobility: “Connected, automated and electric technologies will define the next 100 years of success in the automotive sector. […]

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SAFE Applauds Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s New Rule to Remove Barriers to Transmission Construction

In response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) approval of a regional transmission planning and cost allocation rule, which will help improve and expand the grid’s transmission infrastructure, Thomas Coleman, Executive Director of SAFE’s Grid Security Project (GSP), released the following statement: “A reliable and secure power grid is the foundation of the American […]

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S&P Global Commodity Insights: Biden tariff hike on Chinese aluminum shows commitment to US industry: Century Aluminum

While the tariffs were largely welcomed, some industry groups and observers reiterated that they still represented only one aspect of a necessary and multi-faceted approach to protect US industries against China’s manufacturing overcapacity. “The US needs a comprehensive and coordinated response, and tariffs are a powerful but blunt instrument in a complex situation,” Avery Ash, […]

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SAFE: Exit Strategy Needed for Dependence on Chinese Graphite Supply

Washington, D.C.—In response to the U.S. Department of the Treasury releasing the final rule on FEOC provisions for the Section 30D clean vehicle tax credit, including a 2 year exemption for graphite, Abigail Hunter, Executive Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy issued the following statement: “The administration is trapped by time as it strives to […]

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Washington Examiner: Treasury eases finalized electric vehicle tax credit to allow for Chinese graphite

“While recognizing the need for measures to expedite EV deployment, FEOC exemptions for any battery materials should be temporary: We need a clear exit strategy, lest we continue our dependencies on adversaries and further undermine the competitiveness of U.S. and allied critical minerals projects,” said Abigail Hunter, executive director of energy and defense nonprofit SAFE’s […]

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SAFE’s Abigail Hunter Testifies on Comprehensive Trade Approach for Critical Mineral Supply Security

Washington, D.C.—Abigail Hunter, Executive Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Mineral Strategy (Minerals Center) testified today at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on policy mechanisms to support secure and reliable access to global critical mineral supplies. The United States faces a pressing challenge in securing reliable access to the critical minerals needed to power […]

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SAFE strengthens critical minerals partnership, bringing leading natural resources investors to strategic dialogue

Highlights Sub-Committee on Opportunities and Risks in the critical mineral sector (“SCOR”) strengthened with critical minerals and energy transition investors, including Orion Resource Partners, EMR Capital, Engine No. 1, and other leading private equity funds New private sector participants will play an important role in the future success of the initiative to secure an independent […]

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E&E News: Biden expected to ease EV tax credit restrictions for key Chinese mineral

Experts say the administration is in a tight spot, trying to accelerate EV adoption and meet deployment commitments under the IRA, while at the same time securing complex mineral supply chains needed for EV batteries. The Biden administration is standing up mineral supply chains in the U.S and with trading partners through incentives, grants and […]

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SAFE: LPO Funding for Upstream Critical Mineral Development Addresses Important Financing Gap

Washington, D.C.—In response to today’s announcement that the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loan Programs Office funding under Title 17 can be applied to upstream mineral development projects, Abigail Hunter, Executive Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Mineral Strategy issued the following statement: “Companies in the U.S. are exploring cutting-edge extraction methods and innovative mining approaches that ensure upstream […]

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Fox Business: Industry group warns of Chinese connected vehicles

Now, a leading industry group, named Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE), has made public their comments that the Commerce Department sought on the issue, describing the litany of risks to U.S. national security that the technology poses. “Foreign adversaries are cornering and leveraging key supply chains to geopolitical and economic ends — with outcomes that […]

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SAFE’s ReMo Comments on National Security Impacts of Connected Vehicles to Commerce Department

Today, SAFE’s Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo) submitted a detailed comment letter per the Commerce Department’s request for comment on the national security implications of connected vehicles with foreign components. While SAFE and ReMo anticipate that this investigation will uncover significant risks, it is imperative that strategic decoupling from foreign adversaries for vehicle components and […]

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Politico: China’s lock on batteries bedevils Biden’s electric vehicle push

“But the U.S. battery firms say the proposal left loopholes for automakers to keep relying on Chinese products — something that could be a death knell for their projects, as signing offtake agreements with buyers is often a condition for their financing. “The issue could even imperil the financing of projects that have reaped some […]

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WEBINAR: How DOE’s Loan Programs Office is Driving American Competitiveness

Executive Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy Abigail Hunter moderated a webinar panel Tuesday between Director of the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office (LPO) Jigar Shah, President and CEO of Lithium America Jonathan Evans, and Vice President of Operations for Ultium Cells Thomas Gallagher about the critical role LPO plays in driving […]

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Washington’s Strategy on Chinese EVs Must Include Offensive and Defensive Tactics

SAFE’s ReMo comments on calls for import restrictions on Chinese EVs April 12, 2024 | Washington, DC In response to Senator Sherrod Brown’s letter to President Biden calling for a ban on Chinese vehicles, Avery Ash, Executive Director of the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (a project of SAFE), issued the following statement: “Connected, automated and electric […]

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SAFE Speaks at National Press Club on the National Security Impact of U.S.-Nippon Steel Merger

Washington, D.C.—Vice President of SAFE’s Center for Strategic Industrial Materials (C-SIM) Joe Quinn spoke at the National Press Club on the effects of the possible merger between U.S. Steel and Nippon Steel today. The conversation timely coincided with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s April 10 state visit to the White House. Quinn’s remarks focused on the […]

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SAFE Applauds New Emissions Rules for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Washington, D.C.—In response to the finalized phase three heavy-duty vehicle emissions rule released today by the EPA, General Charles F. Wald, U.S. Air Force (Ret.), member of SAFE’s Energy Security Leadership Council and Former Deputy Commander of U.S. European Command, issued the following statement: “Today’s new emissions rule for heavy-duty vehicles, combined with last week’s […]

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Reuters: US awards record $6 billion to back industrial emissions reduction projects

The United States was the leading primary aluminum producer in the world in 2000 but is now ninth with four U.S. smelters in operation, down from 23 in 1993, said energy group SAFE. “A new domestic smelter puts the U.S. back in the game and reverses our dangerous, decades-long decline in primary aluminum production,” said […]

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SAFE Applauds Department of Energy’s Historic Investment in Advanced Industrial Projects

DOE grant will spur first U.S. primary aluminum smelter in decades, potentially doubling U.S. capacity  Washington, D.C.–SAFE applauds the Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstration Project’s (OCED) announcement of finalists for the $6 billion Industrial Demonstrations Program allocated through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. OCED’s grants are accompanied by $14 […]

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SAFE Welcomes Final Vehicle Emissions Rule Balancing Stringency and Flexibility in Reducing Oil Dependence

Washington, D.C.—In response to the finalized light and medium duty vehicle emissions rule released today by the EPA, Robbie Diamond, Founder, President, and CEO of SAFE issued the following statement: “This rule is the federal government’s largest program for reducing our oil dependence—and its importance to our long-term economic and national security cannot be overstated. Since […]

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SAFE and ReMo Remember Dr. Jerry Cohon, President Emeritus of Carnegie Mellon University and Founding Co-Chair of the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility

Washington D.C.—In response to news of the passing of Dr. Jerry Cohon, SAFE’s Founder, President, and CEO Robbie Diamond issued the following statement: “It is with deep sorrow this morning that I received the news of Dr. Jerry Cohon passing. In addition to his leadership as the president emeritus of Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Cohon provided SAFE […]

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Bloomberg: California’s Long-Time Clean Air Cop Talks Trump, China and EVs

Bloomberg interviews the co-chair of SAFE’s Coalition for Reimagined Mobility Mary Nichols, at SAFE Summit 2024: “We spoke [with Nichols] on the sidelines of SAFE Summit, a conference that’s drawn investors, policymakers and executives from the auto, battery and mining industries to Washington this week to opine on electrification and the west’s economic competition with […]

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Washington Examiner: Hochstein talks China and IRA, US extends oil production lead, and Shell shifts on climate plans

White House envoy Amos Hochstein kicked off a two-day energy summit [SAFE Summit 2024] in D.C. this morning with a candid recounting of some of the Biden administration’s biggest victories and challenges, including competing with China on clean energy manufacturing and battery production and creating tensions with allies with the Inflation Reduction Act – privileged […]

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Biden Administration’s Investigation into Chinese Connected Vehicles Likely to Find Extensive Risks

SAFE and ReMo Applaud Commerce Department Action Washington, D.C.—In response to the Commerce Department’s announcement of an investigation into Chinese vehicles, components, and software, Avery Ash, Executive Director of the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (a project of SAFE), issued the following statement: “It’s welcome news to see the Biden Administration taking concrete action today to understand and […]

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SAFE’s Joe Quinn Testifies Before the U.S. Department of Treasury on the 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit

Washington, D.C.—On February 22, SAFE Vice President of Strategic Industrial Materials Joe Quinn testified at the U.S. Department of Treasury’s public hearing on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit. The hearing followed the conclusion of a six-week comment period on the proposed rule. In his testimony, Quinn commended Treasury’s amended aluminum […]

Read More… Appian appoints strategic advisor on global affairs; partners with SAFE

Appian has also formed a partnership with SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy, an organization of military and business leaders focused on the intersection of energy policy and national security. The partnership takes the form of a SAFE-Appian sub-committee on opportunities and risks in the critical mineral sector (SCOR), chaired by [the Rt. Hon. Dominic] […]

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Appian Capital and SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy Launch Strategic Partnership

SAFE-Appian partnership to inform governments on how the private sector weighs critical minerals investment and development, leveraging Appian’s leading global expertise while inviting other industry leaders to the table Appian has appointed former UK Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab as its Senior Strategic Advisor on Global Affairs Raab to chair new Appian […]

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SAFE, U.S. State Department Convene Minerals, Energy, and Defense Leaders at Munich Security Conference

The discussion focused on actionable strategies that would diversify access to critical minerals, as part of SAFE’s Mineral Investment Network for Vital Energy Security and Transition (MINVEST) partnership with the U.S. Department of State. MUNICH, GERMANY—SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy (Minerals Center) the European Initiative for Energy Security (EIES), and the U.S. State Department […]

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SAFE Releases Recommendations on Developing EV Battery Supply Chains for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

Report outlines findings from industry-government workshops hosted with the U.S. Department of State in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia Washington, D.C. and Cape Town, South Africa—SAFE, through its Ambassador Alfred Hoffman Jr. Center for Critical Minerals Strategy (Minerals Center), is publishing recommendations previously shared with the U.S. government to improve standards, security, […]

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OP-ED: America’s Aging Grid Threatens National Security; Here Are Some Steps to Fix It

The following op-ed originally appeared on Utility Dive. By Admiral Michelle J. Howard (ret.), member of SAFE’s Energy Security Leadership Council. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should finalize a strong regional transmission planning and cost allocation rule, which has been under consideration since 2021. Two winters ago, a deadly storm crippled Texas. The ice storm […]

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SAFE’s Book Talk Series Returns with Ernest Scheyder

SAFE’s Book Talk Series returns with author Ernest Scheyder joining Abigail Hunter, director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy to discuss his new book, “The War Below: Lithium, Copper, and The Global Battle to Power Our Lives.” Scheyder’s book explores where, how, and why our world procures critical minerals, the building blocks of the energy […]

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SAFE Speaks on Capitol Hill on the Importance of Increasing Domestic Heavy Manufacturing

On Wednesday afternoon, Joe Quinn, Vice President of SAFE’s Center for Strategic Industrial Materials spoke on Capitol Hill at a panel hosted by the Sierra Club. The conversation focused on the importance of increasing domestic heavy manufacturing pursuant to the United States’ national security goals. Other expert panelists included Dr. Abigail Regitsky, Senior Manager of […]

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New Report Identifies the Opportunities and Barriers to Unlocking the Potential of a 21st Century Mobility System

Bold action and coordinated commitment key to address global transportation challenges and improve how people and goods move  Washington D.C., January 8, 2023—The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo), a global initiative of the nonprofit SAFE, committed to advancing solutions to shape transportation systems that are better for people and planet, released a new report today […]

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Grid in Peril: The Transmission Crisis and its Effects on National Security

Register now for the second webinar in the Grid in Peril webinar series by SAFE’s Grid Security Project. This series looks at the challenges facing the United States’ power grid as the country reindustrializes and electrifies its transportation system. Panel Discussion: • Representative Paul Tonko, (D-NY20) • Christina Hayes, Executive Director, Americans for a Clean […]

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SAFE Weighs How to Effectively Incorporate Materials Costs in 45X

Production cost exclusion for raw materials may undermine domestic investments Washington, D.C. (December 15, 2023)—In further response to the U.S. Treasury Department’s announcement yesterday on the proposed guidance regarding the Inflation Reduction Act Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit 45X, SAFE Acting Director of the Center for Critical Minerals Strategy Abigail Hunter issued the following statement: “Processing […]

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SAFE Applauds Treasury Department’s Proposed Guidance on 45X Aluminum Provision

Decision provides crucial financial support for domestic primary aluminum production  Washington, D.C. (December 14, 2023) — In response to the U.S. Treasury Department’s announcement earlier today on the proposed guidance regarding the Inflation Reduction Act Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit 45X, SAFE Vice President and Director of the Center for Strategic Industrial Materials Joe Quinn issued […]

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SAFE Testifies Before the U.S. International Trade Commission on Clean Domestic Aluminum Supply Chains

Washington, D.C.–Today, Joe Quinn, Vice President and Director of SAFE’s Center for Strategic Industrial Materials, testified before the U.S. International Trade Commission on the importance of ensuring the vitality of domestic primary aluminum production. During his opening statement, Quinn noted the importance of aluminum as we transition to an electric world. “We believe the world […]

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SAFE Responds to U.S. Treasury Guidance on Foreign Entity of Concern Provision in IRA’s 30D Tax Credit

Washington, DC—In response to the U.S. Treasury Department’s announcement this morning of the guidance regarding the Foreign Entity of Concern (FEOC) provision in the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) 30D tax credit, SAFE Founder, President, and CEO Robbie Diamond issued the following statement: “The U.S. Treasury Department’s guidance regarding Foreign Entity of Concern (FEOC) highlights the challenge […]

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WEBINAR: Clear Skies, Quiet Nights: How Autonomous Vehicle Technology Can Reduce Urban Air and Noise Pollution

SAFE’s Center for Automated Transportation Technology held a thought-provoking webinar for the release of new research on the intersection of transportation technology, urban pollution, and quality of life in disadvantaged communities. “Clear Skies, Quiet Nights: How Autonomous Vehicle Technology Can Reduce Urban Air and Noise Pollution” explores the profound impact of air and noise pollution […]

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SAFE Case Study: Electric Shared Autonomous Vehicles Could Significantly Reduce Noise, Air Pollution

Washington, D.C. (November 2, 2023)—A new case study out of SAFE’s Center for Automated Transportation Technology (CATT) shows that modest deployment of electric, shared autonomous vehicles (SAVs) would result in tremendous noise and air pollution reductions, especially in disadvantaged communities, where these impacts are often disproportionately concentrated.  CATT Director Dr. Allante Whitmore’s new case study, […]

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The Hill: Biden admin partners with nonprofit on critical mineral supply chains

The State Department on Wednesday announced a partnership with the nonprofit SAFE on the development of critical mineral supply chains, part of broader Biden administration efforts to reduce foreign dependence on such resources. The partnership, the Minerals Investment Network for Vital Energy Security and Transition (MINVEST), will aim to marshal private sector support for U.S. mineral-security goals, […]

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SAFE, State Department Announce Partnership To Promote Investment In Critical Minerals Supply Chains

Washington, D.C. (November 1, 2023)—The U.S. Department of State and SAFE signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) Wednesday formalizing the nonprofit as the Department’s sole NGO partner in a new initiative to spur investment in critical minerals supply chains.   Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment Jose W. Fernandez, Assistant Secretary Geoffrey […]

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SAFE-U.S. State Department Workshops Propose Greater Investment, Capacity-Building In Critical Mineral Supply Chains In Zambia And The DRC

Washington, D.C.— SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy partnered with the U.S. Department of State to host two workshops with the respective Battery Councils of Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on ways to spur private sector investment and build regional capacity for strategic mining, processing, recycling, and battery production. The workshops—held last […]

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Bloomberg: Aging US Electric Grid’s Significant Risks Undercut Reliability, SAFE Says

The US is ill-prepared to tackle the myriad of risks that threaten to undermine reliability of the nation’s electric grids, says a group focused on energy security. “Extreme weather events, cyber espionage and domestic terror attacks, combined with increasing demand on aging infrastructure have turned the occasional power failure into alarmingly common events in cities […]

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WEBINAR: Grid in Peril: Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Nation’s Power Grid

The United States’ electric power grid continues to experience significant risks that threaten its ability to provide reliable and resilient electric power. This essential infrastructure faces a confluence of current and emerging challenges:  Demand is increasing as the United States grows and reindustrializes its economy while rapidly electrifying the vehicle fleet.  Incremental transmission capacity is […]

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SAFE Report: U.S. Must Address Power Grid Vulnerability, Transmission Infrastructure To Ensure Secure Energy Transition

Washington, D.C. (September 26, 2023)—Today, SAFE’s Grid Security Project (GSP) released a report, Grid in Peril: The Problem Statement, detailing the significant risks that threaten the U.S. electrical power grid’s ability to provide reliable and resilient electric power. This report outlines the confluence of current and emerging challenges facing this essential infrastructure as the U.S. […]

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Opinion: Newsom Should Veto AB 316 for California to Remain A Leader in Development of Autonomous Trucks

This op-ed originally appeared in the Sacramento Business Journal on September 22, 2023. By Dr. Allanté Whitmore, Director of the Autonomous Vehicles Initiative at SAFE A bill that threatens to dramatically slow—and potentially halt—nearly a decade of innovation in autonomous trucking is near passage in the California Senate. Its ramifications extend far beyond California and […]

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SAFE Welcomes the Department of the Interior Interagency Working Group’s Recommendations on Mining Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the US Department of the Interior (DOI) released the results of the Interagency Working Group’s (IWG) Recommendations on Mining Reform. Abigail Wulf, Vice President and Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy, issued the following statement:   “The global economy, the energy transition, and our economic and national security all depend on access […]

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WEBINAR: Minerals and Materials List-O-Mania

Minerals and materials are essential to many of society’s most important technological innovations: From semiconductors to solar panels and from smart phones to smart bombs. As the world becomes increasingly digital, connected, and electric, it will need additional supplies of these critical commodities to meet rising demand and to support countries’ economic competitiveness and national […]

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SAFE REPORT: Global Policy Insights For Restoring America’s Aluminum Industry

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, D.C. (August 15, 2023)—Aluminum is essential to the energy transition, our modern economy, and national defense, but the U.S. and allies are rapidly losing the capacity to produce it while China corners the market.   A new report from SAFE’s Center for Strategic Industrial Materials (C-SIM), “Global Insights: Energy and Environmental Aluminum […]

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Washington, D.C. (June 28, 2023)— Today, the SAFE Center for Strategic Industrial Materials (C-SIM) released a report outlining the impact high energy costs have on preventing the U.S. from developing a robust domestic primary aluminum industry and how to create a more effective trade policy framework. The new report, “Political Tailwinds: Examining Trade Policy for […]

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WEBINAR: A Discussion with David H. McCormick, Author of Superpower In Peril

The global race for talent, technology, and data has never been more evident – and America is falling behind. A new vision is needed for American renewal to reverse the decline, educate our people, confront China’s efforts to subvert America’s role as a superpower and secure our country and the battle plan to put America […]

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SAFE CEO: Bold Action Needed to Break America’s Reliance on Manipulated Oil Markets

Washington, D.C. (June 5, 2023) – The following statement can be attributed to SAFE Founder and CEO, Robbie Diamond in response to reports of Saudi Arabia cutting its oil supply to the global economy by 1 million barrels per day: “Saudi Arabia’s decision to cut production by one million barrels of oil per day is […]

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SAFE: Debt Ceiling Agreement Permitting Reforms a Good Start but More Work To Do

After analyzing the debt ceiling agreement reached between President Biden and Speaker McCarthy, SAFE issued the following statement from Founder and CEO Robbie Diamond: “SAFE is pleased by the inclusion of key permitting reform provisions in the agreement to address the debt ceiling. This is a good first step and we hope it sets the […]

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SAFE Report: Electricity Shortfalls Impede IRA’s Materials Production Goals

(May 10, 2023) – Today, the SAFE Center for Strategic Industrial Materials (C-SIM) released a report examining how recent domestic policies designed to promote the energy transition and reduce carbon emissions are increasing demand for aluminum used in many of the needed technologies but without addressing supply-side challenges, specifically the affordable electricity generation and distribution […]

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Report: A Global Race to the Top for Critical Minerals

  The SAFE Center for Critical Minerals Strategy has released its inaugural report “A Global Race to the Top: Using Transparency to Secure Critical Mineral Supply Chains.”  The report examines the extent to which the United States can work with major allies and, per Inflation Reduction Act requirements, countries with which it shares a free […]

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OpEd: The US Aluminum Production Challenge and How to Fix It

The US Aluminum Production Challenge and How to Fix It By Joe Quinn, Vice President and Director of the SAFE Center for Strategic Industrial Materials A necessary input into everything from passenger airplanes to kitchen appliances, aluminum is one of the foundational industrial materials of modern society. And, as with so many other important products and materials, […]

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SAFE Responds to EPA Fuel Emissions Announcement

Today, the EPA announced proposed regulations for more stringent emissions standards for automobiles.  In response, SAFE CEO and Founder Robbie Diamond said: “These changes would support the overall strategic goal of transitioning away from overreliance on oil for automobile transportation, a dependency that leaves America vulnerable to global price and supply volatility and the whims […]

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Thomas Coleman to Lead SAFE’s Grid Security Project

Thomas Coleman to Lead SAFE’s Grid Security Project April 10, 2023 – SAFE today announced the addition of Thomas Coleman, an experienced leader and policy expert in the energy industry and power transmission grid, as Executive Director of its Grid Security Project.  Coleman comes to SAFE from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) where, […]

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SAFE Responds to IRS 30D Guidance

The following statement can be attributed to Robbie Diamond, Founder and CEO of SAFE: “Today’s announcement marks a crucial step toward delivering on the Inflation Reduction Act’s goals. While the United States is serious about electrification it can’t be at the expense of national security and jobs. The guidance provides the clarity industry needs to […]

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SAFE Responds to DOI Announcement

In anticipation of the today’s approval of the Willow Project, the Interior Department announced on Sunday that it would expand existing bans on new oil and gas leasing in Arctic waters and prevent new drilling across much of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Admiral Dennis Blair, Chairman of SAFE and member of the SAFE Energy Security Leadership […]

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Avery Ash to Lead SAFE’s Government Affairs

Avery Ash to Lead SAFE’s Government Affairs Operation March 7, 2023 – SAFE today announced the addition of Avery Ash, a leading transportation policy expert and advocate, as Senior Vice President for Government Relations and Special Initiatives.  In this role Ash will develop and lead SAFE’s engagement with policymakers and regulators to advance transportation and […]

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SAFE Responds to Russian Aluminum Tariff

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. government recently announced a 200% tariff on Russian aluminum.  Joe Quinn,  Vice President and Director of the SAFE Center for Strategic Industrial Materials, said: “The administration’s new tariff on Russian aluminum demonstrates that we are willing to confront supplier nations that do not share America’s interests or values.  The tariff complements […]

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SAFE Report Addresses U.S. Aluminum Sector’s Energy Challenges

Lowering and stabilizing energy costs will bolster domestic industry. The U.S. is at risk of greater reliance on adversarial countries for critical materials. Washington, D.C. – Today, The SAFE Center for Strategic Industrial Materials (C-SIM) released The U.S. Aluminum Industry’s Energy Problem and Energy Solution, the first report in a series of policy papers regarding […]

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WEBINAR: Leading the Charge: What Innovation and the IRA Could Mean for Leadership in Advanced Battery Tech

The United States is in a competition for the ownership of advanced energy technologies that will fuel the future—and batteries are central to its efforts. The hundreds of billions of dollars spent and pledged by governments and automakers on non-petroleum fuels have made a transition to electric vehicles and renewable sources of energy a certainty. […]

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Removing Regulatory Obstacles to AV Adoption Would Result in Major Fuel, Traffic Savings

Nearly 7 billion hours are lost in traffic and more than 3 billion gallons of fuel wasted annually in the U.S.  Shared, electric AVs could result in a 50% reduction in fuel consumption, 75% reduction in CO2 emissions, and 6% reduction in congestion.  Current U.S. regulations make AV deployment at scale impossible and limit innovative […]

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SAFE Responds to State of the Union

Washington, DC – SAFE Founder and CEO Robbie Diamond released the following statement following President Biden’s State of the Union address: “As alluded to in the President’s speech, the Inflation Reduction Act’s energy investments and electric vehicle provisions represent a historic step forward to reduce America’s overdependence on oil for automobile transportation now and to […]

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SAFE Announces 2022-2023 Class Of Energy Security Fellows

Washington, D.C.— Today, SAFE announced 25 Fellows will join its 2023 Energy Security Fellows Program. The program, now running in its eighth consecutive year, provides the next generation of energy and national security professionals with access to high-level programming and networking opportunities.  Through a series of monthly conversations with subject-matter experts, the program aims to connect professionals […]

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WEBINAR: From Tails to Tech: Can Abandoned Mines be a Win-Win for Energy Security and the Environment?

In the coming decades, demand for critical minerals needed for advanced technologies like solar panels, electric vehicles (EVs), and defense applications is expected to drastically rise, potentially requiring the opening of hundreds of new mines and increasing the United States’ reliance on China. While the United States produces small quantities of some critical minerals, new […]

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SAFE Summit to Address EV Supply Chains and Infrastructure

Washington, DC – Senior business leaders from the world’s leading automobile, mining, and transportation corporations as well as White House and senior government officials are scheduled to headline the SAFE Summit: A Pathway to Electrification from Minerals to Market, on March 28-29, 2023, in Washington, D.C. The summit aims to seize the historical moment provided […]

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Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo

Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo Conference: May 1-4, 2023 | Expo: May 2-4, 2023 Anaheim Convention Center | Anaheim, CA Join us May 1-4, 2023, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Southern California for the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo. ACT Expo is the largest conference and trade show highlighting the most advanced transportation technologies […]

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SAFE Responds to Treasury Release of IRA Implementation Information

Washington, DC (December 29, 2022) Today, the U.S. Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released documents with additional clarification relating to the electric vehicle (RV) tax credit provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The following statement can be attributed to SAFE Founder and CEO Robbie Diamond: “It is encouraging to see the […]

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SAFE: Missed Chance on Permitting Reform

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, it was reported that permitting reform legislation that would accelerate the deployment of clean energy and critical minerals projects would not be included in the FY 23 National Defense Authorization Act. This omission effectively postpones the possibility for action on permitting reform into the next Congress and solidifies the lengthiness of permitting and […]

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The Raw Truth of Europe’s Raw Materials

As the world’s eyes were fixed on United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 in Egypt, a more low-key bureaucratic gathering was taking place in Brussels, working on growing the industrial supply chains needed to wean the Continent off the most carbon-intensive fuels for both environmental and national security reasons. Indeed, European Raw Materials Week has now […]

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Can Biden’s Green-Energy Czar Succeed?

The energy transition will succeed or fail based on its capacity to power future economic growth and improve the living standards of all Americans. Doing so requires an “energy czar” willing to work both sides of the congressional aisle, gain the trust of responsible members of the business community, and sustain support among fair-minded environmentalist […]

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WEBINAR: A Discussion with Dr. Chris Miller, Author of Chip War

Semiconductors helped win the Cold War, but in recent years strategists, engineers, and lawmakers alike have become deeply concerned about the erosion of America’s technological leadership in an industry Silicon Valley invented. The U.S. dominates chip software and design, but no longer manufactures the leading-edge chips that drive the technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing […]

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WEBINAR: Raw Materials for the Green Economy: How the EU and US Can Work Together

The world is transitioning from an economy fueled by oil to an economy fueled by raw materials. This poses the twin challenge of the global need to re-industrialize and the need for the transition to be sustainable with high environmental standards and transparency. On November 11th, SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy and Transport & Environment […]

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Apply now for the 2022-23 SAFE Energy Security Fellows Program

SAFE is now accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Energy Security Fellows Program. We encourage you to apply and share with qualified candidates. The SAFE Fellows Program provides the next generation of energy and national security professionals with access to high-level programming and networking opportunities designed to connect individuals who are passionate about advancing a national […]

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SAFE Applauds DOE Battery Grants to Fuel Domestic EV Supply Chain

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Department of Energy awarded $2.8 billion in funding from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to 21 industry-led projects to boost domestic battery manufacturing, processing, and recycling. “These projects demonstrate the Administration’s commitment to securing the entire critical mineral and battery value chain,” noted Abigail Wulf, Vice President of SAFE’s Center […]

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SAFE Responds to Potential Russian Aluminum Ban

Image: Pavel Losevsky Washington, D.C. – The U.S. government is considering barring all imports of Russian aluminum into the United States due to the recent escalation of attacks on civilians in Ukraine. “The prospect of removing Russian aluminum from the U.S. market reinforces the importance of sustaining, modernizing, and expanding domestic primary aluminum smelters in […]

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Retired Military Leaders Urge White House to Support NOPEC

Washington, D.C. – This week, 12 military members of SAFE’s Energy Security Leadership Council (ESLC) – 11 retired four-star officers plus a former service secretary – submitted a letter addressed to President Biden urging the passage of the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC) legislation awaiting a floor vote in the U.S. House […]

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SAFE, National Security Experts, Commend Leader Schumer and Senator Grassley Call for Passing NOPEC in Response to OPEC Production Cuts

Washington, D.C. – On October 5th, OPEC+ announced a production cut of 2 million barrels of oil per day, which is expected to worsen the high inflation harming U.S. consumers and businesses. In response, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated, “What Saudi Arabia did to help Putin continue to wage his despicable, vicious war […]

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Energy Security Advocates Assail Oil Production Cuts and Call for NOPEC Vote

Washington, D.C. – Today OPEC+ announced a production cut of 2 million barrels of oil per day, which is expected to worsen the high inflation harming U.S. consumers and businesses. The continued malign role of the Saudi-led cartel group, which includes Russia, underscores the urgent need to pass the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels […]

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A Chance to Revive and Decarbonize American Manufacturing

(Image: Business Wire) After decades of complacency, America’s leaders now recognize the importance of securing domestic supply chains for our nation’s crucial energy and transportation needs. The recently signed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) included aggressive sourcing requirements to accelerate domestic production of critical minerals and other electrical vehicle battery components. Less heralded, the bill also […]

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SAFE Commends Goals of Permitting and Siting Reform Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Today, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the text of a legislative agreement with Senate Democratic leaders that would revise the Federal permitting and siting process to support the transition towards an electrified future. SAFE has consistently advocated for responsible reforms to accelerate construction of new infrastructure and production of materials to end […]

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Meeting the Moment, Seizing the Initiative

On September 13th, SAFE and EC Founder and CEO Robbie Diamond and EC Executive Director Ben Prochazka joined a gathering at the White House invited by President Biden to celebrate the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This event punctuated a series of SAFE/EC achievements for this congressional session. The IRA, the Infrastructure Investment […]

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SAFE Urges NHSTA to Approve GM Cruise Petition for Purpose Built Vehicle, Origin

SAFE has urged the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to grant the petition for exemption submitted by GM Cruise for their purpose-built vehicle the Origin. If granted, the exemption would allow flexibility in the design of autonomous vehicles (AVs) which exclude conventional features such as a steering wheel. Deploying purpose-built AVs for passenger travel […]

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Event: Meeting The Moment: Understanding America’s Energy and Transportation Transition

This congressional session has produced landmark legislation – the Inflation Reduction Act(IRA), the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), and the CHIPS Act – covering broad array of transportation, infrastructure, supply chain challenges. Many of these bills’ provisions reflect long-standing SAFE and EC proposals. Collectively they help move America closer to achieving our core mission […]

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A Ramp, Not a Cliff, Needed to Build EV Battery Supply Chains

The Electric Vehicle (EV) provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act provide a significant accelerant to America’s ongoing transition away from oil as the dominant fuel for transportation – a shift vital to our nation’s economic and national security.  It is the first time America is seriously pursuing a comprehensive approach to lead the global energy transition […]

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Carrots and Sticks Needed to End Oil Dependence

(Photo: Business Wire) Not so long ago it seemed the days of placating foreign despots for energy reasons was largely over. Big increases in domestic output made the U.S. the world’s largest petroleum producer and a net oil exporter. There was even talk of energy independence. But tens of millions of Americans have learned the […]

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SAFE Commends Congressional Passage of CHIPS and Science Funding

Washington, D.C. – After the House passed the CHIPS and Science Act, sending it to President Biden’s desk for signature, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement:   “Passage of this landmark legislation will help ensure America’s continued global leadership in semiconductor technology, spur domestic chip production, and reduce our dependence on vulnerable overseas […]

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SAFE Applauds Landmark Energy Diversification and Security Bill

Washington, D.C. – In response to the legislative agreement forged between Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), SAFE Founder and CEO Robbie Diamond issued the following statement: “The comprehensive minerals to markets approach for EVs taken in the Schumer-Manchin bill answer the American peoples’ calling for a solution that will end oil dependence […]

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SAFE ESLC Leaders Call on Congress to Push CHIPS Funding Over Finish Line

Washington, D.C. – As Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) seeks to move legislation to fund long-delayed semiconductor manufacturing incentives, leaders from SAFE’s Energy Security Leadership Council and American Semiconductor Center urged other Congressional leaders to join in passing the funding bill and sending it to President Biden’s desk for signature. “America created the semiconductor […]

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Congress Should Immediately Pass NOPEC in Response to OPEC’s Refusal to Increase Oil Production

Washington, D.C. – After reports that Saudi Arabia will not imminently boost oil production on the heels of President Biden’s visit, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “It’s no surprise the Saudi-led OPEC cartel is once again playing dirty. With exorbitant gas prices here at home it’s time for the U.S. […]

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Don’t Let The CHIPS Fall

One of the biggest supply-chain challenges we face today is getting more semiconductors, which are essential to products like automobiles, computers, solar panels and weapons systems. Despite this challenge, it has been almost two years since Congress first passed the CHIPS Act—by wide bipartisan margins. Now, it is time to get this essential legislation over […]

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Highlights of Press Call on U.S.-Saudi Relations & NOPEC

Visit SAFE’s NOPEC page HERE. In advance of President Biden’s scheduled trip to the Middle East, SAFE hosted a press call with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Congressmen David Cicilline (D-RI) and Steve Chabot (R-OH), SAFE Chairman Admiral (ret.) Dennis Blair, and SAFE CEO Robbie Diamond to discuss measures to stabilize global petroleum markets and lower gas […]

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Advancing Vehicle to Grid Technology Adoption

On June 15th, SAFE and the Electrification Coalition hosted a webinar on the benefits of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology and related policy recommendations to accelerate adoption. The event coincided with the launch of a new report that details the policies needed to advance V2G technology at the federal, state, and regional levels to enhance energy security […]

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SAFE & EC Release Report Containing Policy Recommendations to Advance Adoption of V2G Technology

WASHINGTON, D.C. – SAFE and the Electrification Coalition released a report on Wednesday that highlights policy opportunities to accelerate the adoption of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. As electric vehicle (EV) adoption accelerates across all vehicle classes, V2G capability can help manage system load and provide power back to the grid during times of need, thereby strengthening the […]

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The Undersea Trove for Electric Vehicles

Photo: Anthony Souffle/AP President Biden recently invoked the Defense Production Act to boost supplies of the minerals needed to power electric vehicles and reduce America’s oil dependency. Yet, even with this welcome executive action, the U.S. can’t produce enough of some minerals, such as nickel. America must rely on undependable, often hostile foreign-controlled sources for these key materials. There […]

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SAFE Commanding Heights Announces New Focus on Strategic Industrial Materials

Washington, D.C. – SAFE Commanding Heights today announced the addition of Joe Quinn as Vice President for Strategic Industrial Materials, who will head up a new policy initiative dedicated to advancing more secure, reliable, and sustainable supply chains for aluminum and other industrial materials critical to America’s national and economic security. Prior to joining SAFE, […]

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Saying No to the Oil Cartel

Spiking gas prices have exposed, once again, the risk posed by America’s continued overdependence on oil for automobile transportation. The current crisis is a reminder that, irrespective of domestic production levels, oil prices are set in a global market – a market vulnerable to geo-political shocks and, in particular, manipulation by the Organization of Petroleum […]

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SAFE Commends Advance of NOPEC Legislation

Washington, D.C. – After the Senate Judiciary Committee marked up the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC), SAFE Chairman Admiral Dennis Blair, former Director of National Intelligence, made the following statement: “It is encouraging to see strong bipartisan support for ending OPEC’s long-standing and harmful influence over global oil markets and resulting gas […]

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Commanding Heights Participates in Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi

On April 25th, Commanding Heights Executive Director Dr. Jeb Nadaner participated in a panel discussion titled, “The Broken Chain: Building Robust, Resilient & Reliable Supply Lines,” conducted at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) Raisina Dialogue, the premier multilateral economic and security conference in South Asia. The SAFE Commanding Heights paper, “Building China Resistant Supply Compacts,” […]

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Addressing Critical Mineral Supply Chain Vulnerability: A Transatlantic Conversation

The crisis in Ukraine underscores the inextricable link between national security, economic security, and energy security. Today, Russia is flexing its energy dominance over a dependent Europe. But tomorrow, the danger may come from other countries with control over the raw materials that are key to a clean energy future. As two of the largest […]

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The US Has an Opportunity to Lead on Aluminum

The ongoing crisis in Ukraine presents another reminder of America’s reliance on problematic sources for essential products and materials. We already are experiencing price hikes stemming from sanctions on many Russian companies and commodities. From passenger airplanes to kitchen appliances, aluminum is one of those foundational industrial materials that a modern society needs to function—in addition […]

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SAFE’s Abigail Wulf Testifies Before Senate On Domestic Critical Mineral Supply Chains

Today, Abigail Wulf, Vice President and Director of SAFE’s Center for Critical Minerals Strategy, testified before the Senate Energy and National Resources Committee on domestic critical mineral supply chains. During her opening statement, Wulf noted the importance of critical minerals as we transition to an electric world. “Make no mistake: the future is electric. Not […]

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SAFE CEO Comments on Oil Reserve Release

Washington, D.C – Yesterday, it was reported that the Biden Administration plans to release approximately 1 million barrels per day from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). Earlier on Wednesday, an op-ed was published by SAFE CEO Robbie Diamond and former Sierra Club head Carl Pope calling on the White House to take this action. But […]

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Energy: No Time for Half Measures

Yesterday’s see-no-evil, hear-no-evil strategy of using energy resources from countries with poor environmental standards, weak regulatory oversight and divergent interests and values is hypocritical.  Doing so while refusing to optimize our own domestic energy resources during the energy transition is self-defeating; so is refusing to embrace the coming shift away from fossil fuels as our […]

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America’s Energy Challenge: From Crisis to Opportunity

Many Americans believed that our country had achieved a degree of energy independence, if not dominance, based on increasing domestic oil production. We became complacent about the fundamental energy security challenges the U.S. has faced for nearly a half-century that never really went away. Consequently, America has mostly postponed the long-term solution, which is ending […]

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SAFE Commanding Heights Press Release on State of the Union

Washington, D.C. – President Biden gave his State of the Union Address as our nation confronts mounting global energy and supply chain crises. SAFE Commanding Heights, a bipartisan initiative dedicated to advancing reliable supply chains for essential goods and materials, called for bipartisan solutions in areas crucial to America’s economic and national security. Events in […]

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SAFE Commanding Heights Book Discussion With Isaac Stone Fish

The relationship between the United States and China has gone through a myriad of changes over the past several decades, from partners to strategic competitors. How did we get here, and as China’s influence in the U.S. strengthens and our dangerous dependency grows, what does the future hold for Sino-American relations? Watch SAFE Commanding Heights’ […]

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The West’s Delusion of Energy Independence – The New York Times

Sean Gallup/Getty Images Russia’s belligerence against Ukraine is underscoring once again the inextricable link between national security and energy security. Today, Russia is flexing its energy dominance over a dependent Europe. But tomorrow, the danger may come from China and its control over the raw materials that are key to a clean energy future. The […]

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Taking Stock of Semiconductors

Towards the end of last year, the Biden administration tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to rising gas prices. Whatever the merits of that decision, the existence of the stockpile provides a measure of both market and geopolitical stability. The federal government also maintains, with decidedly mixed success, stockpiles for personal protective equipment (created after 9/11 and […]

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CHIPS Act and Onward: Next Steps to Reshore Semiconductor Manufacturing


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SAFE’s American Semiconductor Center Urges Passage of Vital Semiconductor Provisions in China Competition Bills

Washington, D.C. – As Congress considers broad steps to advance America’s competitiveness and restore its semiconductor leadership, the Co-Chairmen of the American Semiconductor Center, a new project of SAFE Commanding Heights, urged congressional leaders to act quickly on crucial semiconductor funding. Co-Chairs Michael Splinter, former Chairman and CEO of Applied Materials, and Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, […]

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Commanding Heights Joins IWP: Does America have the Industrial Base it needs to be a Great Power?

On January 27, The Institute of World Politics (IWP) hosted Dr. Jeb Nadaner, Executive Vice President of Government & Public Affairs and Executive Director of SAFE Commanding Heights, to speak on America’s deindustrialization, its impact on the country, and the steps needed to restore the industrial base. Moderated by IWP President Dr. James Anderson, the […]

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SAFE Welcomes Allanté Whitmore as Director of Autonomous Vehicle Initiative

Washington, D.C. – SAFE is pleased to announce the appointment of Allanté Whitmore as Director of SAFE’s Autonomous Vehicle Initiative. Allanté brings an extensive background in autonomous vehicle (AV) technology and policy expertise from researching the environmental, equity, economic, and ethical impacts of AVs. She is currently completing a joint Ph.D. in the Department of […]

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SAFE Commanding Heights Joins Nasdaq Trade Talks to Discuss Global Supply Chains, U.S. Manufacturing

Dr. Jeb Nadaner, Executive Director of SAFE Commanding Heights, joined Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq Trade Talks to discuss attracting manufacturing sectors back to the U.S. and allied countries. Watch the full interview above. […]

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Think Globally, Source Locally for Electric Vehicles

If the U.S. is to effectively compete in the de-carbonized world, we must ensure the needed metals come from sources and methods that are as clean and sustainable as possible. That means we cannot exclude supplies of nickel sourced responsibly from within our borders, writes Abigail Wulf, Director of the Center for Critical Minerals Strategy […]

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The Next Chapter of “Made in America”

Empty shelves and rising prices need not be the new normal or our national destiny. Instead, with the right mix of policy incentives and far-sighted leadership by the Congress, President, and American entrepreneurs, we can usher in the next chapter of “Made in America” — with our nation’s manufacturing sector once again expanding, developing a […]

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Reviving U.S. Heavy Industry Would Build a Safer, More Sustainable World

The combination of “Buy American” and “Buy Clean” are not only moral imperatives, but they also advance our national and economic security by helping to secure critical industrial supply chains and the good jobs and wages they provide. It will take multiple years to get there but the results over the next two decades will […]

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SAFE Announces 2021-2022 Class Of Energy Security Fellows

Washington, D.C.— Today, SAFE announced 19 new Fellows will join its 2021-22 Energy Security Fellows Program. The program, now running in its seventh consecutive year, provides the next generation of energy and national security professionals with access to high-level programming and networking opportunities. Through a series of monthly conversations with subject-matter experts, the program aims […]

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SAFE Report Addresses How U.S. Industry Can Benefit from Climate Imperatives, Security Concerns

Washington, D.C. – Today, SAFE Commanding Heights issued Stoking an Industrial Renaissance: Opportunities for U.S. Decision-Makers. The report outlines policy proposals that can revitalize American manufacturing to compete in a world shaped by the rise of China and the value of reducing carbon emissions. Shortages of medical equipment, semi-conductors, and consumer goods leading up to […]

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SAFE Applauds Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Washington, D.C.— As the House passes the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, sending it to President Biden’s desk for signature, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “We are shifting to a world powered by technology and built on batteries. Strengthening our nation’s infrastructure is vital if we wish to lead this switch. Passage […]

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A Time To Choose: How The U.S. And Allies Can Maintain Semiconductor Leadership

From the F-35 to electric vehicles, semiconductors play a critical and strategic role both in our nation’s economic ambitions and U.S. national security goals. This role will only grow in importance, but the chronic semiconductor shortage is hampering the United States’ post-COVID economic recovery—and highlighting U.S. semiconductor supply chain vulnerabilities. Against this background, what can […]

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Briefing on the Commanding Heights of Global Transportation Initiative and the Ambassador Alfred Hoffman, Jr. Center for Critical Minerals Strategy

On September 30, SAFE hosted a briefing to discuss the organization’s strategy to ensure U.S competitiveness with China on electric vehicles, semiconductors, minerals, and supply chains. Robbie Diamond, SAFE President & CEO, moderated the conversation between members of the SAFE leadership team, highlighting the Commanding Heights Initiative and the Ambassador Alfred Hoffman, Jr. Center for […]

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To Meet EV and Solar Targets, Break Dependency on China, the United States Must Get Serious about Minerals

Addressing ongoing political hurdles for domestic mineral production and processing, SAFE CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “We recommend Congress look at the bigger picture when considering new mine development. Resources like copper, lithium, and nickel are not just vital for EVs, but also the wider transition to carbon-free energy. To meet the Administration’s […]

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Examining Critical Mineral Supply Chains

SAFE’s Ambassador Alfred Hoffman, Jr. Center for Critical Minerals Strategy held a briefing and panel discussion to examine how mineral supply chains affect American competitiveness and national security. Minerals and metals form the basis of our increasingly electric and connected world: Do we risk off-shoring more U.S.-based manufacturing without re-shoring or nearshoring parts of the […]

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White House Gas Price Probe Should Spark NOPEC Reintroduction

Washington, D.C.—As the White House directed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate any anti-competitive conduct on gasoline prices, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “If the White House and the FTC want to comprehensively protect American consumers and businesses from price spikes at the pump, the root cause—OPEC collusion—must be […]

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SAFE Commends Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal

Washington, D.C.—As the Senate passes the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The bill contains a range of important provisions that will stimulate investment across the U.S. EV supply chain, from minerals to markets.” “For years, the United States depended on an unstable oil market dominated by nations […]

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SAFE Commends New Fuel Economy Standards As Catalyst For Electrification

Washington, D.C.—In response to the announcement on fuel economy standards by the Biden Administration, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “From the 1973 Oil Crisis to the Colonial Pipeline outage, breaks in the petroleum supply chain have caused price spikes at the pump and harmed businesses and consumers. For almost 50 […]

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SAFE Commends White House EV Target Announcement, Calls For Action Across Supply Chain To Match

Washington D.C.—In response to President Biden’s announcement of a target of 40-50 percent electric vehicle sales share in 2030, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond and Abigail Wulf, SAFE’s Director of Critical Minerals Strategy, made the following statements: Robbie Diamond, President and CEO of SAFE, said: “Transportation is going electric, and the White House rightly recognizes what must be […]

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Will unstable gas prices today be replaced by unstable mineral prices for batteries tomorrow?

Electric vehicles built on batteries and critical minerals will reduce oil related price spikes; herald a cleaner, more interconnected electric future, write Ambassador Alfred Hoffman Jr. and Abigail Wulf. (Read More) […]

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SAFE Applauds Electric Transportation and Grid Provisions in Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan

Washington, DC—Responding to the Biden Administration’s announcement that a bipartisan infrastructure plan has been agreed upon ahead of Senate consideration, SAFE CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “This development signifies the emergence of a bipartisan consensus that the U.S. can and will compete with China in a central technology of the future: Electric vehicles.  […]

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SAFE Supports Critical Mineral and Electric Grid Provisions in New Senate Energy and Infrastructure Bill

Ahead of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resource’s meeting to consider a new bill to invest in American energy and outdoor infrastructure, SAFE sent the committee a letter in support of the new bill’s critical mineral and electric grid provisions. In the letter, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond says, “The world is […]

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Reduce the Pentagon’s Dependence on China by Recharging US Battery, Electronics Industry

It is time to lift the fog of wishful thinking on U.S. security vulnerabilities, and Congress can take several steps in the upcoming NDAA. A growing bipartisan consensus recognizes the scale of the Chinese Communist Party challenge. This should not be a tough call – or a tough vote. Congress has the opportunity and power […]

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Oil’s Spike On OPEC Discord Should Remind U.S. Not To Repeat Dependence Mistake With EVs

Washington, D.C.—As the price of oil reached a six-year high after OPEC+ failed to reach an agreement on future production coordination, SAFE EVP Jeffrey Jeb Nadaner made the following statement: “America’s reliance on a volatile oil market, dominated by a foreign cartel, was and remains strategically unwise. Our dependence on oil means that spikes in […]

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SAFE EVP Outlines Supply Chain Risks To U.S. Security In Hudson Institute Paper

Washington, D.C.—In a new paper for the Hudson Institute, Jeffrey Jeb Nadaner, the executive vice-president of government and public affairs at SAFE and the executive director of SAFE’s Commanding Heights program, warns of the risks to U.S. economic and national security stemming from America’s offshored supply chains. In the paper, co-authored with the Hon. Ellen […]

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Congress must pass $8 Billion USPS electrification proposal to jump-start US EV leadership

To break China’s EV supply chain hold and eliminate this national security vulnerability, the United States must move swiftly to electrify large sections of its vehicle fleet, creating the market demand that stimulates upstream investment in this country. The United States Postal Service next generation delivery vehicles is a good place to start. The current […]

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Commercial Goods Transport: Widening the Road to Electrification

As the transportation sector begins to shift from a gasoline and diesel past to an electric future, commercial goods transport is at the center of an emerging strategic policy agenda. The electrification transformation is often discussed only in terms of personal mobility and passenger vehicles, however the medium-and heavy-duty (MHD) trucks on our nation’s roadways […]

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100-Day Supply Chain Review Provides Crucial Reminder Of The Need To Secure Battery, Critical Minerals Supply Chains

Washington, D.C.—SAFE notes that the 100-day review of U.S. critical minerals, high-capacity battery and semiconductor supply chains, as ordered by the Biden administration in its February 24 Executive Order, provides a timely reminder of the need for the United States to build these supply chains both domestically and with American allies. Admiral Dennis Blair, former […]

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SAFE Applauds Critical Electric Vehicle Provisions In Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bill

Washington, D.C.—In response to the electric vehicle (EV), autonomous vehicle, and vehicle charging provisions contained within the markup of the surface transportation reauthorization bill, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The shift from a gasoline past to a connected, electric, and autonomous future holds tremendous promise for U.S. economic and national […]

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Minerals Processing: The Missing Middle Step In U.S. Battery Ambitions

The materials and components for EV batteries are still being shipped to the U.S. and to our allies from China, which still has a stranglehold on the vital—yet frequently overlooked—processing and refining step in the EV supply chain.  The development of this capability must be our top priority in this area, write Gen. Michael Hagee […]

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SAFE Applauds Biden’s EV Policy Commitment To Compete With China  

Washington, D.C.—In response to remarks made by President Joe Biden during his visit to Ford’s Dearborn factory today, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “China is currently the runaway leader in the EV and battery industries, and President Biden is correct to define this as an issue of American economic prosperity […]

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SAFE Testifies At Republican House Committee On Natural Resources Forum On Critical Minerals

In testimony to a Republican House Committee On Natural Resources forum on critical minerals, SAFE United States must address at least three areas in the critical minerals sector in order to gain ground on China in the race for leadership in the electric vehicle (EV) and battery supply chains. The United States must establish a […]

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SAFE Taps Jeb Nadaner To Lead Commanding Heights And Abigail Wulf for Critical Minerals

Jeffrey Nadaner will lead SAFE’s Commanding Heights of Global Transportation while also serving as SAFE Executive Vice President of Government & Public Affairs; Abigail Wulf will head the newly-created Ambassador Alfred Hoffman, Jr. Center for Critical Minerals Strategy. Washington, D.C.—SAFE is pleased to announce that Jeffrey Jeb Nadaner has joined to lead the Commanding Heights […]

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SAFE Calls On Congress To Realize Significant Societal, Economic Benefits Of AVs In House Hearing Letter

Washington, D.C.—In a letter submitted to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce hearing, “Promises and Perils: The Potential of Automobile Technologies,” SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond calls on Congress to allow autonomous vehicle (AV) deployment to fully realize the considerable economic and societal benefits of AV technology. […]

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SAFE Hosts NHTSA Acting Administrator, Autonomous Vehicle Industry Executives For Event On Safe AV Deployment

Washington, D.C.—This afternoon, SAFE was joined by Dr. Steven Cliff, the Acting Administrator for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and a host of autonomous vehicle (AV) and vehicle safety experts for an important and timely event on the pathways for safe AV deployment. After Dr. Cliff’s remarks, SAFE was joined by Nat Beuse, […]

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SAFE Responds to Republican Infrastructure Plan

SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement regarding the Republican Infrastructure Roadmap released today: “While we agree with the Republican goals to boost economic growth, bolster against weather events, strengthen national security and improve Americans’ quality of life, we note the inexplicable absence of transportation electrification, which will be so integral to […]

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SAFE Applauds Reintroduction of the Bipartisan, Bicameral Endless Frontier Act

In response to today’s reintroduction of the Endless Frontier Act, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “SAFE has been at the forefront of identifying the commanding lead China has in the race to the new transportation and energy future. Beijing’s considerable influence over every step of the EV supply chain necessitates […]

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SAFE Launches New Vehicle-to-Grid Initiative with Roundtable Event

Washington, D.C.— Today, SAFE, and its Grid Security Project, launched a new Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Initiative, in which it intends to help advance V2G applications on a more widespread basis. The V2G initiative was kicked off today by a joint SAFE-Electrification Coalition (EC) roundtable event that is intended to identify the key policy and regulatory challenges […]

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To Support America’s Electrification, We’ll Need More Copper Than Ever Before

With all the focus on the need for critical minerals rather than copper, this oversight is ironic given that many of the critical minerals, like rhenium, are in fact common by-products of copper deposits. If the U.S. is to secure its EV industry, it must also focus on building a more robust copper supply chain, […]

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United States Must Scale Up EV Spending To Chase Down Chinese Dominance Across the Supply Chain

Washington, D.C.—In response to reports that President Biden’s infrastructure plan contains $174 billion in funding for the U.S. electric vehicle (EV) industry, SAFE calls for bipartisan cooperation to overtake China’s vast control over the EV supply chain. Admiral Dennis Blair, former Director of National Intelligence and Chairman of SAFE, said: “A robust and growing EV […]

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USPS Delivery Vehicle Decision Plays Directly Into China’s Hands

As electric vehicles become more prominent in our landscape, there is a huge battle underway for the inside of every electric vehicle. And while it may not seem like an important part of this international technology fight, the recent United States Postal Service’s much-anticipated contract to replace its current fleet of iconic delivery vehicles has […]

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Building America’s Energy Future: A Conversation with Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm

The global transportation system is going electric. What can the U.S. do to lead this transition? U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm joined SAFE for an in-depth conversation on the energy transition, the United States’ need to lead this transition and its prospects for American jobs. In her remarks, she noted the U.S. Department of […]

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The US Is Falling Behind China in the Race for Electric Vehicles

Unless things change, and soon, Beijing will corner the market on the materials, components, and vehicles that will power the 21st century economy, write SAFE Chairman Adm. Dennis Blair and SAFE CEO Robbie Diamond. (Read More) […]

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SAFE Study Finds 647,000 Jobs Created in U.S. Transition to New Transportation Technologies.

Washington, D.C.— Calculating the labor market impact of the recommendations contained in its Commanding Heights of Global Transportation report, SAFE’s proposals create 647,000 jobs sustained over the next 1-5 years, according to independent research commissioned by SAFE. This research was conducted by Dr. Robert Wescott and Keybridge Public Policy Economics. “The auto sector is key […]

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SAFE Commends White House Supply Chain Executive Order

Washington, D.C.—Responding to reports that President Biden will be signing an Executive Order to review the global supply chains for critical materials, including large capacity batteries, semiconductors and critical minerals, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The President’s reported actions cannot come a moment too soon. As we outlined in Commanding […]

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SAFE Disappointed USPS Delivery Vehicle Contract Lacks Full Electrification Commitment

Washington, D.C.—In response to the announcement by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) that it has awarded a 10-year contract to Oshkosh Defense to build its Next Generation Delivery Vehicle (NGDV), SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “It is disappointing that today’s announcement does not immediately commit to electrifying one of our […]

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Texas Outages Demonstrate Need For Supergrid, Energy Storage Provisions In Infrastructure Package

Washington, D.C.—Responding to the power outages in Texas due to the freezing temperatures in the state, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “Texas is suffering under the cascading crises of cold and COVID, and provides a sobering lesson of what can happen to communities when problems pile up and affect the […]

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SAFE Congratulates Transportation Secretary Buttigieg On Senate Confirmation

Washington, D.C.— SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement regarding the confirmation of Pete Buttigieg as U.S. Secretary of Transportation: “As a former Midwest mayor, Secretary Buttigieg has extensive on-the-ground experience with federal transportation policy, and knows first-hand how good infrastructure can improve communities. We are pleased that he brings that ‘mayors […]

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SAFE Commends GM Plan To Go EV-Only By 2035

Washington, D.C.—Responding to General Motors’ announcement that it plans to offer only electric vehicles by 2035, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “It is exciting to see a major U.S. automaker make such a bold statement that recognizes the future of transportation is electric, but comes with a warning that we […]

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SAFE Applauds Biden Vehicle Electrification Announcement As Step Toward Competing With China For EV Dominance

Washington, D.C.—In response to President Biden’s announcement to electrify the entire U.S. government vehicle fleet, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The global transportation system is going electric, and the current supply chain is dominated by China. This announcement recognizes the need for America to compete with her biggest strategic rival […]

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SAFE Applauds NHTSA Rulemaking On AV Design, Calls On Biden Administration To Maintain Momentum

Washington, D.C.—In response to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finalizing its rulemaking on adjusting federal motor vehicle safety standards to account for new autonomous vehicle (AV) designs, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “This rulemaking optimizes self-driving safety, provides clarity for industry and is ultimately a very strong step toward […]

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Saudi Unilateral Oil Cut Decision Must Propel U.S. Electrification Efforts

Washington, D.C.—In response to Saudi Arabia’s “political and sovereign” decision to unilaterally cut 1 million barrels per day of oil production in addition to other OPEC members maintaining output cuts, which has sent U.S. oil benchmark West Texas Intermediate above $50, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The Saudi government has […]

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2019 NHTSA Traffic Fatality Statistics Show Urgent Need For Autonomous Vehicle And Driver-Assist Technology Deployment

Washington, D.C.—In response to figures published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that show 2019 road traffic fatalities falling to 36,096—a 2 percent fall from 36,835 in 2018—SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “This small reduction is positive but considerably inadequate. There were still more than 36,000 deaths on U.S. […]

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The battery arms race is on, and the US is barely in the running

As the world transitions away from oil to one powered by EVs and batteries, the battery industry will take on enormous economic and strategic significance – and is dominated by China. Without concerted, comprehensive action, we could wake up 10 years from now and discover that we lost a race we didn’t compete in because […]

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Critical Minerals Supply Chain Development Vital For American Economic And National Security

Washington, D.C.—In response to recently-published guidance opening loans totaling $42 billion from the Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office for critical minerals projects, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “Tomorrow’s economies will be powered by batteries and electric transportation fed by a robust critical minerals supply chain, and the country that […]

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As OPEC Decision Looms, SAFE Warns Against Making OPEC Policy Dependence Mistake Again With China And EVs

Washington D.C.—As global oil markets and the U.S. shale industry wait for an imminent decision from OPEC on whether to maintain its unprecedented oil production cuts, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “Relying on a commodity dominated by countries that do not share our strategic interests is no way to power […]

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SAFE Criticizes FCC Safety Spectrum Cut

Washington, DC—After the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted yesterday to reassign a portion of the 5.9 GHz transportation safety band to allow use by unlicensed Wi-Fi content providers, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The future of transportation is connected transportation. The FCC’s decision to eat away at the spectrum set […]

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SAFE Urges Comprehensive, Bipartisan Response To Chinese Industrial Leadership In Batteries, EVs And Other Mobility Technologies

Washington, D.C.— SAFE congratulates Joe Biden as President-elect and Kamala Harris as Vice President-elect and the first ever woman to achieve that. Now, as President-elect Biden begins to assemble his cabinet and the United States Senate and House of Representatives organize for the 117th Congress, SAFE calls for bipartisan action to create a comprehensive plan […]

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China’s electric car strategy is starting to go global – and the U.S. is lagging behind

CNBC: In a future driven by electric vehicles, China is poised to dominate if the U.S. does not transform its automobile industry in coming years. In just one sign of how far ahead China has progressed in electric vehicle development, out of 142 lithium-ion battery megafactories under construction globally, 107 are set for China, versus […]

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We Must Defend U.S. Transportation Leadership to Preserve Our Global Authority

China is consolidating control of emerging technologies of immense strategic and economic importance—including electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and 5G. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) and Admiral Dennis Blair, former director of national intelligence and commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific, say ceding leadership in these technologies seriously threatens our national security and privacy, and outline […]

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Biden win could be net positive for metals and mining, observers say

Platts: Democrats are clearly very focused on the deployment but have acknowledged that we need to have the minerals, the industrial base, and Republicans are very on top of the upstream both for defense and other reasons, said Robbie Diamond, president and CEO of Securing America’s Future Energy, a D.C.-based nonprofit that advocates for the […]

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The world must counter China’s dominance of rare earths

Chinese dominance in rare earths is just the tip of the iceberg. The country has gained — and is determined to retain — a tight grip on a broad swath of minerals that form the foundations of tomorrow’s most important industries, argue General James T. Conway and Peter Ackerman of SAFE’s Energy Security Leadership Council. […]

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SAFE Applauds Cruise, California DMV For Permit To Go Fully Driverless

Washington, D.C.—In response to reports that autonomous vehicle (AV) developer Cruise has received a permit from California’s DMV to deploy electric, self-driving vehicles without a backup driver, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “This is a timely milestone for self-driving deployment and speeding the safety benefits of AVs. As the country […]

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Is Electromobility A Critical National Security Issue?

Inside EVs: China is securing control of assets all along the electromobility supply chain, from mineral extraction to battery production to vehicle manufacture, as the advocacy group Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) recently pointed out. (Read More) […]

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Having Bipartisan Support, U.S. Energy & Environmental Security Depends On Mining

Forbes: A recent report from Securing America’s Future Energy makes minerals, and boosting domestic mineral output, a key piece of the effort to win the future of mobility. More critical mining production has become an noncontroversial, bipartisan initiative, uniting various interests from coal executives to climate hawks. (Read More) […]

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SAFE Applauds China Task Force Recommendations, Calls For More Comprehensive Response

Washington, D.C.—In response to the recommendations released today by the Republican China Task Force, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The Task Force correctly diagnoses the risk of a rising China to American security and industrial base and is right to call for a bipartisan, whole-of-government response, but even more should […]

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China EV ambitions threat to entire US auto industry – report A bipartisan, federal response is required for the United States to compete with China’s ownership of the next generation of transportation, according to a new report from Securing America’s Future Energy. (Read More) […]

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Geopolitical concerns lurk behind an EV future

Automotive News: China has consolidated control of key supply chains needed to produce EVs at global scale, according to the report from Securing America’s Future Energy, a nonpartisan group of military and business leaders that examines the convergence of energy policy and the transportation industry. (Read More) […]

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SAFE Urges Bipartisan, Coordinated Policy To Lead New Tech in Auto Industry and Protect Against Chinese Supply Chain Dominance In New Report

Paper confirms Chinese industrial strategy has given the country vast control over virtually every aspect of EV and battery supply chain and focus on autonomy, 5G, and AI; U.S. could lose core of its industrial sector without focused plan to compete. Washington, D.C.—A bipartisan, federal response is required for the United States to compete with […]

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US urged to subsidise electric cars on national security grounds

Financial Times: The US must urgently build up an electric vehicles industry or risk becoming dependent on China for its automotive future, a group of senior military and business leaders have warned. (Read More) […]

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SAFE Announces 2020-21 Class Of Energy Security Fellows

Washington, D.C.—SAFE announced today 27 new Fellows will join its 2020-21 Energy Security Fellows Program. The program provides the next generation of energy, transportation and national security professionals with access to high-level programming and networking opportunities, connecting them with individuals interested in advancing the national conversation on the future of American energy security. Fellows will […]

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The Commanding Heights Of Global Transportation

On September 24, SAFE launched The Commanding Heights of Global Transportation, a paper that assesses the competing ambitions of the United States and China for the future of global transportation, and offers policy recommendations to maintain U.S. leadership in this critical industry. Click here to read the report A bipartisan, federal response is required for […]

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AVs Can Open Up Greater Economic Opportunities For Low-Income Communities Left Out By Today’s Transportation, New SAFE Study Finds

Washington, D.C.—Autonomous vehicles (AVs) hold significant potential to open up wider economic opportunities currently beyond the reach of many low-income households due to inadequate transportation, a new study by SAFE finds. The report, “Fostering Economic Opportunity through Autonomous Vehicle Technology,” concludes that on-demand, point-to-point AV transit can cut financial stress by providing reliable, affordable and […]

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SAFE Calls For Greater Urgency In Leading Development Of Tomorrow’s Transportation Technologies that are Key to U.S. Jobs and Industry

Washington, D.C.—In response to former Vice President Biden’s call to step up investments in owning tomorrow’s technologies, including batteries, SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “Transportation is on the cusp of a global shift to an electric, connected and autonomous future. Sitting on the sidelines while China spends billions to lead […]

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Fostering Economic Opportunity through Autonomous Vehicle Technology

SAFE hosted a conversation between leading autonomous vehicle (AV) analysts to mark the launch of “Fostering Economic Opportunity through Autonomous Vehicle Technology”, a SAFE paper that addresses how AVs can redress imbalances for low-income communities, whose options are limited by inadequacies in today’s transportation. Alisyn Malek, Executive Director of the Commission on the Future of […]

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SAFE Applauds United Nations Global AV Milestone

Washington, D.C.—Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) commends the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for its regulation on automated lane keeping systems (ALKS)—the first such international binding agreement of its kind, and adopted by a forum of which SAFE is part. “If we are to realize the tremendous societal promise of autonomous driving, it […]

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SAFE Applauds Key Transportation, Energy Programs In House Infrastructure Stimulus Package

Washington, D.C.—Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) commends the U.S. House of Representatives’ inclusion of a number of key transportation and energy provisions in H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, that will enhance the country’s economic recovery, bolster U.S. energy security and strengthen the United States’ hand against China’s current lead in the next era of […]

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Fuel Economy Rules Undermine U.S. Energy Security

The Trump administration’s decision to roll back fuel economy standards is based on a complete misunderstanding of the OPEC-led international oil market, argues General Carlton D. Everhart of Securing America’s Future Energy. He says the standards condemn the U.S. to greater reliance on a commodity controlled by countries that do not share U.S. strategic priorities—and […]

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To Speed Our COVID-19 Recovery, Let’s Get America Moving Again

Smarter stimulus spending in key sectors such as transportation can ensure they bounce back stronger than they were, creating a more robust and resilient economy as a result. SAFE’s Get America Moving Again report contains recommendations that can achieve this smarter spending goal, write Adm. Dennis Blair, former Director of National Intelligence and Commander-In-Chief, U.S. […]

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SAFE Applauds Electric Vehicle and Active Transportation Provisions In INVEST In America Act

Washington, D.C.—Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) commends provisions in the newly-released Investing In A New Vision For The Environment And Surface Transportation In America Act (INVEST In America) by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, which will strengthen our economy through increased investments in next-generation transportation technologies. “Investing in the future of transportation now […]

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Get America Moving Again: Manufacturing

Thursday, May 21, 3:30-4:30pm ET. Zoom webinar: Please click here to register. As highlighted in SAFE’s recent Get America Moving Again (GAMA) report, the U.S. automotive and truck manufacturing industries support 9.9 million American jobs and the sector is critical to the recovery of our economy. To stimulate future growth, Congress must not focus simply […]

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SAFE Releases Comprehensive Plan To Get America Moving Again (GAMA)

Washington, D.C.—Alongside its tragic human cost, COVID-19 has illuminated the vulnerabilities of our economy, with more than 30 million Americans losing their jobs in just six weeks. To catalyze the country’s recovery and strengthen the U.S. economy, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) is releasing Get America Moving Again (GAMA), a detailed plan focused on the […]

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Guest Op-Ed: Micromobility Can Get America Moving Again

As Congress considers legislation to get the nation moving again after the COVID-19 crisis, it should consider how micromobility could accelerate our economic recovery while America’s planes, trains, and automobiles get back up to speed, say Mark Joseph, CEO of Mobitas Advisors and Robbie Diamond, President and CEO of SAFE. (Read More) […]

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Oil’s Unbelievable Fall Must Spark US Energy Dominance Rethink

Oil prices falling to -$37 must provoke policymakers to rethink what energy dominance looks like—as it is clear the U.S. economy is reliant upon a commodity beyond American control and dominated by countries that do not share our priorities, writes General James T. Conway, 34th Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps and Robbie Diamond, President and CEO […]

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SAFE Applauds Auto Industry Commitment to Deploy Connected Vehicles to Retain Spectrum

Washington, D.C.—In response to the Alliance for Automotive Innovation sending a letter in support of preserving the 5.9 GHz “Safety Spectrum” to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “The FCC’s plan to reallocate the Safety Spectrum […]

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SAFE Urges Against Prorating In Letter To Texas Railroad Commission

Washington, D.C.—Ahead of tomorrow’s meeting by the Railroad Commission of Texas to consider prorating oil production in the state, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond submitted a letter urging against the practice. The letter calls upon the Commission to consider the long-term energy security consequences of such a decision. In the letter, he […]

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OPEC+ Decision Highlights U.S. Need To Reduce Oil Dependence

Washington, D.C.—As reports emerge of Saudi Arabia, Russia and OPEC+ agreeing to cut oil production, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) believes the United States must decouple its economy from the boom-bust oil market cycle engineered by the cartel and led by Saudi Arabia to maintain its grip on the oil market. “Saudi Arabia and Russia […]

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SAFE Warns Against Market Manipulation to Combat Manipulation As Oil CEOs Convene For White House Meeting

Washington, D.C.—In response to reports emerging from today’s White House meeting with oil industry CEOs that the discussions included potential cuts in U.S. production, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “A global production cut is not going to solve the structural deficiency of the oil market, which contributed […]

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It is time to stop letting Saudi Arabia push us around and protect our energy dominance

The effects of COVID-19 and the Saudi-Russia price war on the U.S. oil industry demonstrates the need for a comprehensive energy dominance strategy, write Adm. Dennis Blair, former Director of National Intelligence and Commander-In-Chief, U.S. Pacific Command and Gen. Michael Hagee, 33rd Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps (Read More) […]

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SAFE Issue Brief Calls For American Commitment To Free And Fair Oil Market

Washington, D.C.—Ahead of a White House meeting between President Trump and American oil executives tomorrow, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) has released an issue brief calling on policymakers to reiterate the United States’ commitment to free and fair markets—with passing the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act (NOPEC) as a strong first step. The issue brief, […]

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Coronavirus-OPEC One-Two Punch Shows Need for U.S. Energy Dominance

American oil companies, already drowning in debt and struggling with the impacts of coronavirus, were blindsided by the recent Saudi-led price war. General James Conway, 34th Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, and John Lehman, former U.S. Secretary of the Navy, say Covid-19 and the Saudi-led price war show the U.S. needs a plan for […]

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New Fuel Economy Rules Guarantee Industry Uncertainty At The Worst Moment

Washington, D.C.—In response to today’s release of new fuel economy rules by the Trump administration, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO, Robbie Diamond, made the following statement: “At such a difficult time when regulatory certainty is needed more than ever in our auto industry, these rules will plunge U.S. automakers into even greater […]

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SAFE Urges For Comprehensive Energy Solution Over Saudi Oil Alliance

Washington, D.C.—In response to reports that the Trump administration is considering the possibility of Saudi Arabia quitting OPEC to manipulate the oil market alongside the United States, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “This measure is a betrayal of America’s commitment to free markets, and is a […]

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Senators’ Letter To Saudi Arabia Shows Need For Real Energy Dominance

Washington, D.C.—In response to a letter sent by members of the U.S. Senate asking Saudi Arabia to slow oil production as the kingdom engages in a price war with Russia, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “While the United States is the world’s largest oil producer, continued […]

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SAFE President and CEO: With the Flick of a Switch, Saudi Arabia’s Decision Exposes Need For Real U.S. Energy Dominance

Washington, D.C—As the repercussions from Saudi Arabia’s decision to raise production continue to be felt in the U.S. energy industry, Robbie Diamond, President and CEO of Securing America’s Future Energy, made the following statement: “With a flick of a switch, Saudi Arabia has sent oil prices into a freefall—threatening bankruptcies and vast unemployment in the […]

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SAFE Submits Comments and Letter Opposing FCC Plan To Cut Vehicle Safety Spectrum

Washington, D.C.—In response to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) proposed rule that would reallocate portions of the 5.9 GHz spectrum away from connected vehicle (V2X) applications, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) submitted comments noting that revoking this spectrum from transportation applications will indefinitely forestall the realization of the significant safety and efficiency benefits of vehicle connectivity. “It […]

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Saudi Arabia’s OPEC+ Price War Continues To Show Urgent Need For U.S. To End Oil Dependence

Washington, D.C.—As Saudi Arabia ramps up production and slashes prices in the wake of  OPEC+ failing to agree on supply manipulation and the subsequent 30 percent drop in oil prices, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “American oil consumers and producers are only bystanders as Saudi Arabia […]

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SAFE Applauds Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Additional $240 Million Commitment to Curb Traffic Deaths Worldwide

Washington, D.C.—In response to Bloomberg Philanthropies’ announcement that it will commit a further $240 million to its support for global road safety, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “We commend Bloomberg Philanthropies for this generous additional commitment to help curb traffic deaths worldwide. In 2018, more than 36,000 people […]

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SAFE Renews Call for Federal AV Legislation in Letter of Record For House Hearing

Washington, D.C.—In connection with a hearing of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce on autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) submitted a letter for the hearing record which calls for the establishment of a federal AV framework as a priority for America’s energy security, economy, […]

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SAFE Applauds NHTSA Approval of Nuro Self-Driving Petition

Washington, D.C.—In response to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA’s) approval of Nuro’s exemption petition to test driverless electric vehicles with novel designs on public roads, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “Granting this exemption is an incredibly important step forward in fully realizing the tremendous […]

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SAFE Responds To President Trump’s Energy Independence Assertion

Washington, D.C.— Today, President Trump declared that the United States has achieved energy independence. Regrettably, his assertion fails to appreciate the country’s overwhelming dependence on oil and the risk it poses to our economy. “While increased domestic crude production has definitely improved America’s energy security, we must not mistake this for energy independence. Our domestic production […]

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SAFE Applauds Workforce And Accessibility Focus in Department of Transportation’s AV 4.0

Washington, D.C.—The Department of Transportation today released the Trump administration’s third major document relating to AV policy, Ensuring American Leadership in Automated Vehicle Technologies: Automated Vehicles 4.0 (“AV 4.0”). AV 4.0 provides a full overview of the range of activities that the entire U.S. government is undertaking to prepare for automated vehicles (AVs). The document catalogs the […]

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Soleimani Strike, Increased U.S. Presence in Middle East Stresses Importance of Ending Dependence on Oil

Washington, D.C.—In response to the killing of Iranian Quds Force general Qassem Soleimani in a U.S. airstrike near Baghdad airport, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “We need to ask ourselves why the United States keeps sending troops to the Middle East and the persistent answer is […]

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SAFE Responds To Passing Of General P.X. Kelley

Washington, D.C.—In response to news of the passing of General Paul X. Kelley, the 28th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps and Chairman Emeritus of Securing America’s Future Energy’s (SAFE) Energy Security Leadership Council (ESLC), SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “As a founder of the Rapid Reaction Joint Task Force […]

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OPEC Agreement Ahead of Aramco IPO Latest Example of Cartel’s Collusion

Washington, D.C.—Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) released the following statement in response to reports that OPEC has agreed to deepen production cuts by 500,000 barrels per day. “American policymakers have ignored the collusive and anti-competitive behavior of OPEC and its allies for far too long,” said Robbie Diamond, President and CEO of SAFE. “Colluding fleeces […]

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SAFE Calls For Expedited Federal AV Framework In Letter For Senate Hearing

Washington, D.C.—In connection with a Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing on the development of safety technology for autonomous vehicles (AVs), Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) submitted a letter for the hearing record which calls for the establishment of a federal AV framework as an economic and national security priority. In the letter, submitted […]

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SAFE Makes Energy Security Case for EVs in Letter for House Hearing

Washington, D.C.—In connection with a hearing today with the House Committee on Energy & Commerce’s Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change on moving away from petroleum-based fuels in the transportation sector, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) submitted a letter for the hearing record that outlined the economic and national security need for reducing our dependence […]

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Deploying More Troops In Saudi Arabia Emphasizes National Security Need To Reduce U.S. Oil Dependence

Washington, D.C.—Reports that thousands of additional U.S. troops are to be sent to Saudi Arabia, in response to the September 14 attacks on Saudi Aramco’s Abqaiq oil processing facility, are an urgent reminder for the United States to reduce its overwhelming reliance on oil. The news comes after reports that an Iranian oil tanker was […]

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Federal funding for Chinese buses risks our national security

China is America’s single largest strategic rival, working to undermine U.S. authority on the global stage by taking control of a variety of critical emerging industries — the electric vehicle (EV) industry in particular. Beijing has declared capturing the EV supply chain to be a strategic priority, but Congress has a chance to counter this […]

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Autonomous Vehicles Have Ability to Transform Society, Panelists Say

The report predicts autonomous vehicles will contribute some $800 billion annually “in economic and societal benefits” when AVs are fully deployed. The benefits will come from cost savings related to reduced crashes, fuel efficiency and better access to transportation. (Read More) […]

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Self-Driving Cars Likely Won’t Steal Your Job (Until 2040)

A new report finds that while some jobs, like trucking, will eventually fade, autonomous tech will benefit the economy overall. In fact, they’ll eventually feed the economy, accruing an estimated $800 billion in annual benefits by 2050, a number mostly in line with previous researchers’ projections. (Read More) […]

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U.S. Oil Reserve Would Fall Nearly in Half Under Budget Deal

Geopolitical risk is alive and well in the oil market, and the SPR is America’s only formal short-term line of defense against oil supply disruptions and price spikes, says SAFE CEO Robbie Diamond. (Read More) […]

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EPA, California must compromise in their fight over weakened fuel-efficiency standards, experts say

SAFE CEO Robbie Diamond believes California and the Trump administration should compromise on new national fuel economy standards to provide more certainty in the marketplace and eliminate the prospect of a legal battle. (Read More) […]

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Report: Trucking undergoing ‘technological revolution’

Big gains in fuel efficiency and safety lay ahead if policymakers give the industry ‘flexibility’ to achieve them, group says. (Read More) […]

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Report: Advanced tech can bring huge fuel savings to trucking industry

A new report from Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) says advanced technologies can bring huge fuel savings in the oil-thirsty trucking industry — if Congress and federal agencies make policy changes that catalyze their deployment. (Read More) […]

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New Report Suggests Workforce, Safety Concerns for Automated Trucks Are Overblown

Commercial trucking is likely to be one of the first sectors that benefits from vehicle automation and connectivity, according to a new report from Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE). (Read More) […]

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Environmentalists, automakers fight over Trump’s proposed fuel efficiency standards rollback

Robbie Diamond, CEO and president of Securing America’s Future Energy, insists there is a deal to be had that accommodates the concerns of both sides. “It is in no one’s interest to have competing standards between our largest state and the rest of the country,” Diamond said. (Read More) […]

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Opinion: National Security Interests Best Served by Modern Fuel Economy Standards

As the world’s largest consumer of this critical commodity with a transportation system that is 92 percent powered by oil, the United States is particularly vulnerable to the economic stress of price spikes and volatility. A technical review of existing fuel economy standards is underway, creating an opportunity for regulators in the federal government and […]

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Industry-Backed Bill Would Create Federal Rules for Autonomous Vehicles

Eric Danko, SAFE’s vice president of government affairs and coalitions management, said that it’s possible this was an oversight since low-emissions vehicles are the only category of exemptions left out of the legislation — but it is an issue that needs to be rectified before moving forward. (Read More) […]

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LTE: Electric Cars Help America Depend Less on Oil

If America is to remain prosperous and secure in the 21st century, we must reduce our oil dependence by ensuring fuel diversity. Electric vehicles running on diverse and domestic fuels like nuclear, natural gas, coal or renewables are our opportunity to break oil’s monopoly. Unless we act, 90% of our transportation network will remain oil […]

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Blind ‘Drivers’ Step Up to Shape U.S. Push for Driverless Cars

Requiring that passengers in an autonomous vehicle that needs no human intervention have a driver’s license is a “needless restriction” that would blunt the impact of the technology on the disabled community, Securing America’s Future Energy said in a recent study commissioned along with the Ruderman Family Foundation, an advocacy group for the disabled. (Read […]

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Smart Columbus: What Does it Mean for Mobility?

Robbie Diamond, a consultant to the team from SAFE, Securing America’s Future Energy, believes the key is getting CEOs to commit to electric vehicles for their personal use, to purchase electric vehicles for corporate fleets and to expand the number of charging stations for personal vehicles parked at the office. (Read More) […]

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Trump Wants to Sell Half the U.S. Strategic Oil Reserve For More Cash

The White House said it would roughly halve the amount of crude stored in the SPR over the next ten years, selling off 270 million barrels of oil and leaving 260 million in reserve. SAFE President and CEO Robbie Diamond termed the move as “misguided.” (Read More) […]

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Trump Proposes Selling Off Half U.S. Strategic Oil Reserve

The White House plan to trim the national debt includes selling off half of the nation’s emergency oil stockpile and the entire backup gasoline supply, but Securing America’s Future Energy believes the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is “America’s only formal short-term line of defense against oil supply disruptions and price spikes.” (Read More) […]

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Gray Matters: The future of driving

According to a study by Securing America’s Future Energy published in January, self-driving cars are the wave of the future. Technology is on its way to on-demand mobility solutions that will impact everyone on numerous levels. Beyond transportation, this technology will affect our economy, our energy independence and issues related to national security. The benefits […]

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Trump Plans to Review Fuel Economy Standards, and Maybe That’s a Good Thing

Securing America’s Future Energy, a nonpartisan organization dedicated to reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil and an advocate for fuel-efficient cars, noted that a review of fuel economy standards could improve the existing regulations by accounting for new technologies and business models. (Read More) […]

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In Michigan Visit, President Trump Reopens Review of Fuel-Economy Standards

Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE), a nonpartisan think tank that explores energy and transportation policy with the goal of promoting economy and national security, believes a broader focus on the entire mobility system, rather than individual vehicles, will result in reductions in oil demand as well as less burdensome regulations. (Read More) […]

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Trump to reopen review of US fuel efficiency standards

Although the move to reassess Obama-era decision threatens to slow the development of electric cars, Robbie Diamond, president of Securing America’s Future Energy, said there was “no reason for environmentalists, automakers and conservatives to risk a nuclear war over these rules”. (Read More) […]

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Trump won’t seek to roll back California vehicle authority

As President Trump announced a review of fuel economy standards, Securing America’s Energy Future (SAFE)—a non-partisan group of energy advocates and retired military leaders—urged the federal government, California and others to work together. (Read More) […]

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Trump takes steps toward undoing Obama’s auto emissions limits

President Donald Trump will tap the brakes Wednesday on the Obama administration’s tightening of future vehicle emissions limits. Securing America’s Future Energy, a group focused on reducing dependence on oil, called for all sides to come to the table. (Read More) […]

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Car ownership may decrease in the U.S.—here’s why

At CES 2017, SAFE’s Commission on Autonomous Vehicle Testing and Safety launched its best-practice recommendations for self-driving cars, which demonstrate that shared, electric AVs are a good path toward achieving energy security. (Read more) […]

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Self-Driving Cars: The Three Legs of Future Mobility

Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) is a nonprofit organization composed primarily of military and business leaders determined to develop and advocate for policies that improve America’s energy security by curtailing our dependence on oil. Think electric. Last year, SAFE put together a blue-ribbon panel of experts to study the testing of AVs, making recommendations for […]

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How driverless cars can empower Americans with disabilities

According to a new report, Self-Driving Cars: The Impact on People with Disabilities, released yesterday by the Ruderman Family Foundation and Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE), the potential of driverless vehicles to liberate Americans with disabilities from transportation issues, bring more people into the workforce, and save substantially on health care, is vast. (Read more.) […]

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Autonomous cars are ‘the vaccine that will cure deaths on the road’, says industry figurehead

Robbie Diamond, CEO of Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE), addressed media at CES 2017 in Las Vegas, where he said autonomous vehicles could be a way of dramatically cutting down the road toll on a global level. (Read more.) […]

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California’s Race to Regulate Slams Brakes on Innovation

The U.S. government is prepared to treat artificial intelligence in Google’s “self-driving” car as a legal “driver,” likely clearing a major obstacle on the way to reinventing transportation as we know it. Unfortunately, as they race to catch up with the automotive and tech industries, regulators may end up sending American mobility backwards, not forwards. […]

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Driverless cars could go on sale by 2018, says former GM exec

Driverless electric cars are closer to becoming a reality, but issues still exist. Nearly 3,000 roadway deaths could be prevented worldwide every day if humans could be removed from the driving equation. Nobody’s talking about taking people out of their cars, but rather, taking them out of the driver’s seat. (Read More.) […]

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Toyota and US think tank moving to bring forth the demise of the internal combustion engine

For years there have been reports of the internal combustion engines’ approaching death and they might all be entirely premature, but events unfolding around the world are now establishing a favorable climate for the successor technologies. Read More. […]

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SAFE launches Autonomous Vehicle Task Force

Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) has formed an Autonomous Vehicle Task Force, a group of leading experts who will guide SAFE as it develops an action plan to facilitate the widespread deployment of this technology. Read More. […]

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World of driverless pods could transform mobility

Larry Burns, professor of engineering practice at the University of Michigan, sketched a future of driverless, intercommunicating, on-demand, two-seat “pods” that will dramatically alter how we get around at an Oct. 14 Newsmakers Event at the National Press Club. Read More. […]

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Toyota, new task force could boost non-gas options

Reports of the internal combustion engine’s demise may be premature, but two events Wednesday could make it happen sooner. Toyota said that it intends to cut the average emissions from its vehicles by 90% from 2010 to 2050. That means conventional gasoline-only vehicles will be a small minority of its products as hybrids and fuel cells […]

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Group launches task force to speed driverless cars

A group working to reduce U.S. oil use is launching a task force to help development of self-driving cars. Experts believe the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles will eventually dramatically reduce oil use by sharply reducing congestion, avoiding crashes and maintaining proper distance between vehicles. Read More. […]

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Blair: Reducing Fuel Use by Trucks to Improve Energy Security

Implementing stronger efficiency standards for heavy-duty trucks is not just about climate policy. The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal for regulating trucks will improve American energy security by reducing our dangerous oil dependence. Read More. […]

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OPEC maintains output. Is anyone steering oil markets? (+video)

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) announced it would keep oil output unchanged during its meeting Friday. That inaction won’t answer any of the myriad questions surrounding the future of the world’s most dominant fuel. Read More.   […]

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