WATCH China / Competition / Power Episode One: China’s Hybrid Economic System

In case you missed it, you can now watch the first in a series of webinars exploring how Beijing’s policies threaten markets, innovation, and a rules-based world order.

In Episode One, our panelists discussed the history and consequences of Beijing’s “brute force economics,” a paradigm that puts geopolitical power ahead of profits, as well as what the U.S., its partners, and allies can do to fight back.

Key Takeaways:

  • China’s hybrid economic system is not an adaptation of capitalism, but something more akin to “mercantilism on steroids.”
  • Power, not profit, is the endgame. Beijing has put all the power of the State behind strategic enterprises to accomplish its geopolitical goals, something no other country can do.
  • As a result, China is on the path to becoming a SUPER-OPEC for the 21st century, aiming to control the critical supply chains vital to our environmental goals as well as economic and national security.
  • A new paradigm is emerging and the U.S. should lead; market economies must work more collaboratively to lower barriers between each other while raising barriers against Beijing.


  • Adam Frost, Former EXIM Bank Senior Vice President of the China and Transformational Exports Program
    Liza Tobin, Senior Director for Economy, Special Competitive Studies Project
    David Feith, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for A New American Security
  • Rick Switzer, Principal at ProjX and Former State Department Official

Stay tuned for Episode Two: China’s Industrial Policy and Impact on Key Industries in July.