Regulatory Comments

SAFE Experts Comment on Section 301 Tariff Review

Responding to the Biden administration’s trade policy decisions impacting $18 billion worth of goods, conducted as part of the statutorily required 4-year review of Section 301 Tariffs, SAFE’s experts provided the following comments: Avery Ash, Executive Director of SAFE’s Coalition for Reimagined Mobility: “Connected, automated and electric technologies will define the next 100 years of success in the automotive sector. […]

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SAFE’s ReMo Comments on National Security Impacts of Connected Vehicles to Commerce Department

Today, SAFE’s Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo) submitted a detailed comment letter per the Commerce Department’s request for comment on the national security implications of connected vehicles with foreign components. While SAFE and ReMo anticipate that this investigation will uncover significant risks, it is imperative that strategic decoupling from foreign adversaries for vehicle components and […]

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SAFE’s Joe Quinn Testifies Before the U.S. Department of Treasury on the 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit

Washington, D.C.—On February 22, SAFE Vice President of Strategic Industrial Materials Joe Quinn testified at the U.S. Department of Treasury’s public hearing on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) 45X Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit. The hearing followed the conclusion of a six-week comment period on the proposed rule. In his testimony, Quinn commended Treasury’s amended aluminum […]

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SAFE Weighs How to Effectively Incorporate Materials Costs in 45X

Production cost exclusion for raw materials may undermine domestic investments Washington, D.C. (December 15, 2023)—In further response to the U.S. Treasury Department’s announcement yesterday on the proposed guidance regarding the Inflation Reduction Act Advanced Manufacturing Production Tax Credit 45X, SAFE Acting Director of the Center for Critical Minerals Strategy Abigail Hunter issued the following statement: “Processing […]

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