Washington’s Strategy on Chinese EVs Must Include Offensive and Defensive Tactics

SAFE’s ReMo comments on calls for import restrictions on Chinese EVs

April 12, 2024 | Washington, DC In response to Senator Sherrod Brown’s letter to President Biden calling for a ban on Chinese vehicles, Avery Ash, Executive Director of the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (a project of SAFE), issued the following statement:

“Connected, automated and electric technologies will define the next 100 years of success in the automotive sector. We applaud the growing bipartisan recognition that China—through two decades of strategic investment, trade practices, and formal and informal subsidies—has successfully positioned their automakers for global preeminence, coupled with deliberate industrial overcapacity. We have seen this playbook before in other sectors, ranging from aluminum and steel to shipbuilding and solar panels.

SAFE supports rigorous scrutiny of Chinese vehicles and technologies for national security vulnerabilities, and to support our economic competitiveness. We believe lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are right to consider immediate, proactive measures to help maintain the leadership in global auto manufacturing of the U.S. and our allies.

While addressing China’s unfair trade practices and market manipulation is essential defense, it must be coupled with effective offense—in this case a clear national commitment to and strategy for the U.S. to double-down the development and deployment of market-defining technologies. The end goal should be a global market where companies compete transparently on the strength of their standards and innovations and SAFE supports efforts to ensure a level playing field and the competitive success of U.S. and allied automakers.”

Brown’s letter correctly notes, “There are currently no Chinese EVs for sale in the United States, and we must keep it that way.” However, China is the third largest export market for American vehicle manufacturers—underpinning the need for evaluation of all the tools in the toolbox on a comprehensive approach this challenge. SAFE will be submitting comprehensive comments on the Commerce Department’s announced investigation into Chinese vehicles, components, and software.


About the Coalition for Reimagined Mobility
SAFE’s Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo) is a global initiative advancing a vision for how new mobility technologies and services can shape transportation outcomes that are more efficient, secure, and resilient for people and planet. Guided by global leaders, ReMo’s efforts help develop, scale, and deploy solutions that deliver on the goals of transportation technology and address the system-level dynamics of a global mobility system. For more information visit reimaginedmobility.org

About SAFE
SAFE is an action-oriented, nonpartisan organization committed to transportation, energy, and supply chain policies that advance the economic and national security of the United States, its partners, and allies. SAFE has convened business and former military leaders since 2004 to support secure, resilient, and sustainable energy solutions. Visit secureenergy.org to learn more.