Press Releases

New Fuel Economy Rules Guarantee Industry Uncertainty At The Worst Moment

Washington, D.C.—In response to today’s release of new fuel economy rules by the Trump administration, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO, Robbie Diamond, made the following statement: “At such a difficult time when regulatory certainty is needed more than ever in our auto industry, these rules will plunge U.S. automakers into even greater […]

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SAFE Urges For Comprehensive Energy Solution Over Saudi Oil Alliance

Washington, D.C.—In response to reports that the Trump administration is considering the possibility of Saudi Arabia quitting OPEC to manipulate the oil market alongside the United States, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “This measure is a betrayal of America’s commitment to free markets, and is a […]

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Senators’ Letter To Saudi Arabia Shows Need For Real Energy Dominance

Washington, D.C.—In response to a letter sent by members of the U.S. Senate asking Saudi Arabia to slow oil production as the kingdom engages in a price war with Russia, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) President and CEO Robbie Diamond made the following statement: “While the United States is the world’s largest oil producer, continued […]

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SAFE President and CEO: With the Flick of a Switch, Saudi Arabia’s Decision Exposes Need For Real U.S. Energy Dominance

Washington, D.C—As the repercussions from Saudi Arabia’s decision to raise production continue to be felt in the U.S. energy industry, Robbie Diamond, President and CEO of Securing America’s Future Energy, made the following statement: “With a flick of a switch, Saudi Arabia has sent oil prices into a freefall—threatening bankruptcies and vast unemployment in the […]

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SAFE Submits Comments and Letter Opposing FCC Plan To Cut Vehicle Safety Spectrum

Washington, D.C.—In response to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) proposed rule that would reallocate portions of the 5.9 GHz spectrum away from connected vehicle (V2X) applications, Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE) submitted comments noting that revoking this spectrum from transportation applications will indefinitely forestall the realization of the significant safety and efficiency benefits of vehicle connectivity. “It […]

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