SAFE Applauds Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s New Rule to Remove Barriers to Transmission Construction

In response to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) approval of a regional transmission planning and cost allocation rule, which will help improve and expand the grid’s transmission infrastructure, Thomas Coleman, Executive Director of SAFE’s Grid Security Project (GSP), released the following statement:

“A reliable and secure power grid is the foundation of the American economy and vital to our national security. Energy demand is surging, new power supplies are sidelined, and our grid is struggling to keep up. America’s advanced manufacturing renaissance, vehicle electrification, and robust economic growth means this challenge will only grow.

With an estimated backlog of nearly 12,000 power generators waiting to be hooked up to the grid, in part due to permitting issues, and much of the existing transmission infrastructure aging and outdated, FERC’s vote today is a vital first step to remove some of the roadblocks standing in the way of grid modernization.

There is still much more work to do, and this is not a perfect approach. SAFE opposes the provision giving right of first refusal for incumbent utilities and believes that a competitive market is preferable. Still, SAFE looks forward to reviewing this rule in depth and continuing to work with and educating policymakers on the national and economic security implications if we fail to take decisive action to bolster this country’s single most important piece of infrastructure: the power grid.”

SAFE’s GSP urges policymakers to take a three-pronged approach that will ensure the U.S. power grid remains reliable and secure in the face of growing geopolitical tensions, rising demand, and increasingly frequent severe weather events.

In addition to removing barriers to building out transmission infrastructure, we must ensure that enough energy is generated to meet peak demand. That means relying on a mix of traditional and renewable power generation during the mid-transition period. We must also decouple our energy system supply chain from adversaries by onshoring and friend-shoring the essential components for our energy transition—and reinforcing the security of our grid infrastructure at the state and federal level.


About SAFE’s Grid Security Project (GSP)
The Grid Security Project provides policy analysis and recommendations to address challenges facing the nation’s electrical infrastructure from a national security perspective. GSP supports expanded access to reliable and affordable electric power for economic growth, transportation electrification, and reindustrialization.

About SAFE
SAFE is an action-oriented, nonpartisan organization committed to transportation, energy, and supply chain policies that advance the economic and national security of the United States, its partners, and allies. SAFE has convened business and former military leaders since 2004 to support secure, resilient, and sustainable energy solutions. Learn more at