
Facts vs. Rhetoric on EPA Rule-Making

Summary The EPA rule-making process on electricity generating utilities will have an impact on businesses, consumers, and the environment, but the exact impact is difficult to quantify in advance. Players in this energy debate, from interested businesses to Members of Congress may be quick to use dramatic rhetoric on the worst-case scenario, in an effort […]

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U.S. Oil Supply Post-Macondo

SAFE analysis shows security benefits of increased domestic oil production SAFE has issued original analysis examining the drivers and impacts of the recent surge in U.S. oil production. The report finds that high oil prices and innovative development techniques are combining to place substantial new resources on the table in the United States, with potentially […]

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Middle East Economies and the Impact of Oil

Summary   Earlier this year, revolutions and civil war in the Middle East took the world by surprise, but the problems that motivated these revolutions had been apparent for many years: an inability of the countries of the Middle East to meet the economic aspirations of their people. Oil and gas production alone is insufficient […]

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Lessons from Fukushima

Summary   Even as we learn more about what happened at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan—and what is still being done to evaluate and control the damage—it is worth considering how the accident will and should affect nuclear power in the United States. U.S. nuclear power plants have been made more robust in the wake […]

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Securing China’s Future Energy?

Summary China is dealing with significant energy security challenges, some of which are similar to those in the United States, and others of which are very different. Perhaps the greatest concern in China is power generation. In order to continue supporting a rapidly growing economy and job creation, the PRC’s highest priority is simply to […]

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