
The Raw Truth of Europe’s Raw Materials

As the world’s eyes were fixed on United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 in Egypt, a more low-key bureaucratic gathering was taking place in Brussels, working on growing the industrial supply chains needed to wean the Continent off the most carbon-intensive fuels for both environmental and national security reasons. Indeed, European Raw Materials Week has now […]

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Can Biden’s Green-Energy Czar Succeed?

The energy transition will succeed or fail based on its capacity to power future economic growth and improve the living standards of all Americans. Doing so requires an “energy czar” willing to work both sides of the congressional aisle, gain the trust of responsible members of the business community, and sustain support among fair-minded environmentalist […]

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A Chance to Revive and Decarbonize American Manufacturing

(Image: Business Wire) After decades of complacency, America’s leaders now recognize the importance of securing domestic supply chains for our nation’s crucial energy and transportation needs. The recently signed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) included aggressive sourcing requirements to accelerate domestic production of critical minerals and other electrical vehicle battery components. Less heralded, the bill also […]

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A Ramp, Not a Cliff, Needed to Build EV Battery Supply Chains

The Electric Vehicle (EV) provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act provide a significant accelerant to America’s ongoing transition away from oil as the dominant fuel for transportation – a shift vital to our nation’s economic and national security.  It is the first time America is seriously pursuing a comprehensive approach to lead the global energy transition […]

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Carrots and Sticks Needed to End Oil Dependence

(Photo: Business Wire) Not so long ago it seemed the days of placating foreign despots for energy reasons was largely over. Big increases in domestic output made the U.S. the world’s largest petroleum producer and a net oil exporter. There was even talk of energy independence. But tens of millions of Americans have learned the […]

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