OPEC Oil Embargo +40:

In 2013 SAFE held OPEC Oil Embargo +40: A National Summit on Energy Security. The summit convened prominent figures, including Dr. Henry Kissinger, Leon Panetta, and others, to discuss and find solutions to the threats posed by oil dependence forty years after the 1973 OPEC oil embargo. Additionally, in 2013 the ESLC released A National Strategy for Energy Security – Harnessing American Resources and Innovation, a series of recommendations designed to achieve a fundamental necessity: safeguarding the physical and economic security of the United States by significantly reducing our dependence on oil. The recommendations further outlined a plan to establish a federal Energy Security Trust Fund, which would use revenue from expanded oil production to fund research and development of oil-displacement technologies in the transportation sector. In the 2013 State of the Union address, SAFE’s Energy Security Trust Fund proposal was discussed, based on the recommendation made in A National Strategy for Energy Security.