FACT SHEET: The Importance of Transmission to American Reindustrialization & Economic Security

SAFE’s Center for Grid Security has published a fact sheet detailing the important role America’s energy transmission infrastructure plays in unlocking significant economic benefits, ensuring long-term reindustrialization, preserving economic competitiveness and supporting our immediate and long-term national security.

Bureaucratic gridlock has prevented the U.S. from building and modernizing the necessary infrastructure to power America’s growing manufacturing and technology sectors. This fact sheet includes key actions to unlock America’s potential as a 21st century energy superpower.

Takeaways include:

  • Optimizing timelines for new infrastructure is essential to enabling domestic growth.
  • Affordable power is key to reshoring and growing strategic industries.
  • Power outages cost businesses billions a year; the answer is modernized infrastructure.
  • Our current planning processes waste time and money and create unpredictable timelines.
  • The current grid is not built to withstand increasingly extreme weather or more sophisticated cyber threats—we need transmission to increase grid resilience to minimize these costs and make America a more attractive home for industry.